How do you change the pictures in Smart Content?

It's supposed to be Old Victorian House Exterior, but it's a person. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the product, but that didn't work. The thumbnail is OK in DIM.

Smart content problem.png
581 x 548 - 150K
1) Right-click on the thumbnail > Edit Metadata, then you'll find Token number. Ctrl + C to copy it.
2) Open File Browser, go to your Daz Library directory where you installed this product, in folder: \runtime\support, search by Token number you copied from above. You'll find three files... one of them is a JPG file.3
3) Go to the product page of Old Victorian House, save the Promo image to the above \runtime\support folder, to overwrite the above JPG file (keep the same name !) Resize it to 114 x 148 or 180 x 254 or 268 x 348... it's up to you.
Refresh you Smart Content.
Edit: If you installed this product via Daz Connect, in step 2) do the same but go to this folder instead : C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Data\data\cloud\meta (if you changed this default Connect location, go to the changed location.)
Can't it also be PNG files ?
I had around 120 products with a missing icons in Smart Content and the Bash script I wrote to get them from DIM thumbnails got PNG or JPG from DIM and the 'bugged' products seem to now behave as they should.
The file in the runtime support folder was a person. Now it's the house. Since I did the changes on my own computer, I'm wondering why Studio wants to go online to do the refresh job. Because I don't really want to.
Hmm, maybe in other products, while in this one, it's JPG.
No... as long as you don't login Daz Connect in DS, it won't go online to update or check whatever...
Is refresh smart content different from update metadata? Because when I click update metadata it wants to sign me in. That's when I say "Uh oh" and don't want to go any further.
As the one who ever experienced quite a few lessons and learns from Daz Connect, I personnally suggest you NEVER do Update Metadata unless you have an absolute need... like acquiring a Premier Exlusive asset.
Why ? Because DS will update the corrected metadata, thumbnail pictures, yada yada with the wrong one.
Right. So here's what I did. Quickly closed the thing that wanted me to log in. Uninstalled the product. Deleted the installer just in case there'd been an update. There hadn't. Updated the JPG in the zip file. Reinstalled. I expect that's what you were telling me to do, but it took me a while to get it :) Now I have a picture of the Exterior for the Exterior. Having learned how, I'm now going to go put the picture of the interior on the interior thumbnail in place of the picture of the exterior that should have been where that person was. Isn't this fun? Thanks so much for your help.
Light dawns! You meant here: E:\My DAZ 3D Library\Runtime\Support. My brain is pretty good at finding the hardest way to do anything. Even more fun. Thanks again.
I was just confused... but yup that was what I meant. No problem !
That should, I believe, be a thing of the past
New Update Metadata option, fixes and enhancement in terms of functionality for Daz Connect make something past... However, the most important thing at least to me, Metadata, mostly not. Wrong metadata are still wrong, are still pushed to my database while Updating Metadata.
I intentionally tested it again with Update Metadata after years' of being away from Daz Connect ... ( of course I backed up cms database beforehand...), yike, yike, Lost and Found, wrong and garbage Categories, yada yada, continued to show in Smart Content, the corrected data in cms was brutally overwritten by Connect....
You better give it a test. Richard ~~
Edit: However, if you never modifed and/or made correction to Product Metadata, you probably will not see any difference in your Smart Content, then that'll be another story. On my side, my Smart Content is neat and clean as I almost fixed 98%+ wrong things there... since I started using DS.
That picture of the person instead of the building was in the zip file from DAZ. So updating metadata would have given that back, right?
I don't know... I don't have that product. If Daz had it fixed, updating metadata with Connect would fix it. However, Daz Connect is not able to Update Metadata just for one selected Product, it updates All ! So... you probably have this one fixed, but others are messy again.
But, as I said before, if you never fix wrong metadata on the bought products, you'll feel nothing... Then just go ahead.
Over the past many years, when I have had the need to change the thumbnail picture in Smart Content (either to have a better picture or in the case of content from third parties, to have a picture at all), I have found that the great majority of products have/need a JPG image in Runtime/Support. I have, though, encountered a few products that would not display a JPG image file. Only after converted the JPG file to a PNG file would the thumbnail display. I think this may be related to what is in the product's DUF file concerning thumbnail image type.
I have also encountered similar behavior with some JPG files not displaying as a thumbnail because there was opacity data in the JPG file. Only after resaving the image as a JPG file without opacity would the thumbnail display.
That was interesting. I'll pay some attention then. Thank you for the info. !
These products might be of interest to you:
If you fix the vendor data then the system has no way to know that the changes should be preserved - it is not the best way to do the job, certainly from that perspective. See the Underlying Mechanisms section here
Thanks for the link ! I'm still studying the Connect mechanism... I think I can find a better solution ~
I had fixed a thumbnail for a shoe product that was released with the thumbnail for a hair product. And then there was an update to the shoes, the hair thumbnail showed back up. I submitted a ticket to DAZ and after 9 months someone acknowledged it. More months passed, and then they told me to use Daz Connect to receive the update. Why can't they release the correction by way of DIM updates? Dummy me, I have been through this before, I did use Connect and my carefully groomed and fixed metadata, with my own sub-categories were gone.
Daz Connect is poison for anyone who uses Smart Content. And that is one reason I won't opt for Premiere. Unless I set up a completely independent system, isolated to download the products pused, then copy the files over to my protected systems I work on.