Stuck installing Content Management Service

I tried installing the 4.23 version of DAZ manually and I got stuck on installing Content Management Service. it keeps installing, installing and NOTHING. Had that for 5 mins, still NOTHING. I NEVER had this problem bfore, I always managed to install DS manually without problems. I am using no firewalls but the default Win10 thing. I can't find DAZ there to allow to go through. I don't know what chnaged or decided to cause this. So I decided to install previous version and OF COURSE same thing happens. I deleted everything thaqt says DAZ on the disk and from Users/Myname/AppData bla bla and still nothing. I even deleted from Registry. If I double click the PostgreSQL it just says to exti ALL applications that use it or somehting. What. The. Actual. F. I dont like using I hate using Daz Central, I want to be able to manually choose where to install what. I am clueless on what I did wrong to cause this [problem] and how to fix it.
It may be an issue with the database files, if you have previously had the application installed. Try removing (renaming or moving to another location)
%appdata%/daz 3d/cms/
Not sure I understand. You mean to open the path C\Users\myname\Appdata\Roaming\Daz3d and delete it? Btw this folder doesn't contain CMS folder. It has dzinstall file.
I managed to start Daz even without installing CMS. How do I set rendering with a default lighting? In this version (4.23) it seems to be a sunlight
Yes, Iray defaults to Sun/Sky - if you render (or turn on Iray Preview, or use Create>New Environment Settings Node) you will be able to access and change the Environment options in the Editor tab or Render Settings or in Parameters with the environment Settings node selected.
No, I was saying to remove the /cms folder - the rest is used for other things and should not lightly be disturbed. If there is no CMS folder then cleaely it isn't getting to the point of that being an issue, and pressumably doesn't have an older version present to be causing a problem.
Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for the info. I deleted everything DAZ and DAZ related from everywhere that I could find it, restarted PC and tried reinstalling to a different disk and the same thing happened. I have been uninstalling and reinstalling DAZ for years and never came across this "error". Anyway, like I said in my previous post I am able to access DAZ without installed CMS. For now it works. Btw sorry for the stupid question: from where was I suppose to remove the cms folder? Again thank you for the reply!
From %appdata%/daz 3d/ - but you said there was not one there to remove, so my advice was not helpful.
I had the same problem and realized that for some reason the PostgreSQL server was already running. For me, the server seems to start at system startup. In the Task Manager you can then see several instances of PostgreSQL Server. It is a bit tedious to stop them in the Task Manager, as they sometimes start themselves again. But with a little patience and stopping the tasks quickly, it works and the installation continues.
Hope this helps.
The Daz instalaltion should run only when needed (DS, DIM, Carrara open) - that is one of its benefits over the old Valentina database, which was an always-on service.
If an application doesn't shut down proeprly it won't be able to shut PostgreSQL down, but that wouldn't appear to cover running at start up (if you mean a reboot, not waking from hibernation).