Gen9 Developer Tools

Maybe I missed something, but the developer tools are no longer loading after installing the new Genesis 9 Essentials today. I found the script itself in the "Utilities" folder...
Is anyone else having this problem?

511 x 480 - 104K
Post edited by Karen on
I had several Updates for Essentials etc. in DIM today. Maybe you need to install those.
I am not sure, but I guess I found the error - DIM (already had a couple of problems in the past). There were only 2 of 3 files. I will install everything manually now and the I will see.
I have the very same issue... I don't think manual installation will fix it.
I'm digging out the culprit(s) ....
Nope, it doesn't work. It's not that I use it, but I like it when all things work, because maybe something is secretly broken.
I found something:
Script Error: Line 64
SyntaxError: Parse error
Stack Trace: ()@E:/Eigenes/My DAZ 3D Library/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 9/Base/Tools/Utilities/Developer Kit/!G9 Dev Tools.dsa:64
That's it. I also found it ~ A wrong coding there ~
Go to: your Daz Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 9\Base\Tools\Utilities\Developer Kit\
Open the file !G9 Dev Tools.dsa with Notepad++, and correct the code in line 64 as the screenshot. Save. Then you can open Developer Tools on G9.
I will fill a ticket.
BTW, you also need to correct the code in line 47, otherwise Save Current Pane Info on the Developer Tools panel won't work...
This error has been staying there for a long time... why didn't they fix it ?!
Wonderful :-) I will try it later (have to feed the "cat pack" now - they are eleven and I am only one, so no chance to say "no"
No problem ! Pls take your time ~
Ticket filled ~
Works like a charm. Thank you very much for your help.
I followed the instructions above
But it still doesn't work
Carefully check and follow the way of correction, it'll work ~~
Edit: There's a typo... in above post for 1st correction: should've been line 62 rather than 64... but the screenshot is correct.
BTW, I reported the issue 7 days ago... nobody responded to me from Daz...
I tried several times, but it didn't work at all
Is the method shown in this link wrong?
I think this is incorrect. Just terminating the statement with ); will not display subsequent dialog. I changed my copy of the script lines to be:
DzScriptedStepsPane.File, true );
to follow the way all the other tools are handled in the script.
Nothing was found in your link of ....
The the methhod worked for me as well as the OP. Well, did you by chance had G9 Starter Essentials installed in different Daz Libraries ? If so, you either just keep one copy of the product or correct this DSA file in all Libraries...
Yea, from certain perspective, that could be added... However, in fact, the true culprit is the missing ); that makes the tool UI fail to load. The clause of DzScriptedStepsPane ... is optional in this script... (i.e. they don't have to be there from coding optimization perspective...)
Even if they're removed, all the "sub-scritps" work fine with no issue ( for instance: Ss 1 ~ 3) .... I've dbl-checked all of them ~~
why would you have eleven cats, unless of course, you want 11 different cat faces for characters?
다시 썼습니다.
이게 틀린 것인가요?
Probably wrong ~~ check the attached screenshot ~
Thank you for your help.
But it still doesn't work
Have you checked if there's any other copies of G9 Starter Essentials installed in other Daz Libraries of yours ? If everything is fine but the script still doesn't work for you, then I have no other idea for the time being...
Then you can fill a ticket to Daz.
Pls be noted the code in !G9 Dev Tools.dsa has been fixed by Daz in the latest G9 Starter Essentials package ~~ (though... still partially fixed ~~)
Be noted: this time, the file names of G9 Starter Essentials packages, especially the package 3/3 is different from last version, strongly suggest 100% uninstall all three exsiting packages, delete them... before downloading the updated version.
Can we fix ourself what is not yet fixed ?
Thank you to both of you.
I replaced EssentialDevTools by G9DevTools.
No problem !
I have the same issues now...I click the Dev Tool but nothing happens and I can not find it under the panes option under the windows menu either...I did check the " !G9 Dev Tools.dsa" file under the line 62 and the line in question already had the ); at the end of the line so I don't think any changes would be warrant here...Any thoughts on what I can do? - I am also attaching a screenshot on how the !G9 Dev Tools.dsa looks like under line 62 right now for quick reference.
This function is a Daz Script rather than a plugin... so it cannot be found under Windows > Panes...
So, check your DS Log ( Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File...). What does it tell ? If the script works fine with no error, the log should show the info. like below screenshot.
Ok So there is definetly something wrong going on...Attached herein the Log showing an error on the Dev Tool loading...Any thoughts?
Thank you