Problem to create SINGLEY KEY on Timeline is it me or is this a bug?

in The Commons
I select a single node on the timeline, say for example X Translate under Genesis 9/General/Transforms/Translation. Then I set my current KeyFrame to 20, now I click "Create Keys" or even "Create Keys (selected nodes)". The expected behavior is that it only creates keys for the selected ones, however instead it creates a Key for every single node on the whole figure.
Am I doing something wrong? a config maybe wrong? is this a bug?
Thanks for any insight
Assuming this is Daz Studio (which does hafve its own forum) In the Timeline pane's option menu - the lined/hamburger button in the top corner, or right-click the tab - you can use Preferences>Key Creation Scope to set what is keyed - if I select a number of proeprties in the Dope Sheet area of the pane and have the scope set to selected then Create Keys affects only those properties when I try it.