Mud and Mud Wrestling Props for Genesis 8 and 8.1

WarlamaWarlama Posts: 7

hello, im trying to get the mud from this product to appear on my characters clothing but try as i might, i cant get it to work. i can get it to appear on the character itself but not on the clothing. there are zero instructions that come with this, so im having a really hard time trying to get this to work.


could someone please give me a step by step instruction as to how to get mud to work on characters clothing pleae? any help would be very much appreciated!


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970
    edited October 2024

    Looks like this product was removed from the store so presumably a PA that was moved elswehere.

    There still seems to be a manual on the Daz Wiki currently tho - does this help? 80703_mud_and_mud_wrestling_user_guide.pdf

    According to that:

    There are two ways of muddying up clothing:
    1. Use one of the Mud Iray Decal Nodes OR
    2. Apply the Mud Shader Preset to the surface of the clothes.
    The Iray Decal node gives the best results. It is Iray only. If you want to see the results in another engine, such as Filament, use the shader approach

    EDIT: According to the filelist you should already have this PDF in the "Readme's" folder of your library where this product is installed.

    Post edited by SofaCitizen on
  • WarlamaWarlama Posts: 7
    edited October 2024

    thank you for this info, i will give it a try, i couldnt find this PDF anywhere in my directory, I will try it out and update.


    EDIT: i gave it a try and it worked!! I will need to play around with it to get it just right but it worked.

    BTW would you happen to know how to resolve an issue when applying this to hair or anything with an alpha channel? it destroys the trnasparancy effect of anything it happens to touch!

    thanks again!

    Post edited by Warlama on
  • Moved to Technical Help as it is a product, rather than a  Daz Studio application, topic.

  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    Warlama said:

    BTW would you happen to know how to resolve an issue when applying this to hair or anything with an alpha channel? it destroys the trnasparancy effect of anything it happens to touch!

    thanks again!

    No problem. As a general rule you can right-click on a product thumbnail and select "More information" to popup a window that contains the Wiki which will hopefully provide more information about the product. And/or, if you use DIM to install products, you can right-click a product under the "installed tab" and select "Show installed files" to see if there is a PDF or README.txt in there. You'll have to scroll through all the other files but hopefully there will be something listed in either /Documentation/ or /Readmes/.

    For the specific second issue I don't think I can help as I don't actually have that exact product. However, the PDF says that you can use the decal method on hair which I wouldn't have thought should mess up any transparency?

  • i appreciate the help, i was surprised to find it works on hair too. but with the transparency it gets messed up if the mud texture goes over it. im not sure as to why, or how to fix it.

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