A request for a Daz USD exporter.

Really hope someone, official or indie, can write a tool to export USD from daz. I will be happy to pay for this.
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Really hope someone, official or indie, can write a tool to export USD from daz. I will be happy to pay for this.
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And is there any effective channel to make such a request to the officials?
At the bottom of every page, there is a "Contact Us" link that takes you to this page - https://www.daz3d.com/help
At the bottom of that page is an orange button that takes you to the ticket system. If you file a ticket and explain in detail your request, they will take it into consideration.
I personally dont know if others have requested USD export/import so it dosn't hurt to make the request.
You could use an intermediate bridge to another software like Blender or Unreal and then do the USD export from there. USD export and USD import for Daz would be nice.
This sounds interesting.
I know what USD is, in theory at least. How would you use it in your workflow?
In other words, what are you trying to do now that you cannot do with the existing plug-ins?
This short gives a good idea about what it is (https://youtu.be/tH9_JaZs3-E?si=RudWXRcj0sexxDhm). I would love to be able to easily move any scene in DS to Blender or Unreal to take advantage of their faster render engines and animation systems. It streamlines the export/import process quite a bit. It would also make moving data from Blender, etc. much easier. When set up properly, it allows virtually seamless exchange of data (lighting, shaders, objects, skeletons, animations, etc.) between software environments. So we could also bring animations made in Blender back into DAZ (in theory).
Well of course shaders and rigs can't be shared with USD unless the application does some conversion which may not be always compatible with the existing design and features. From this point of view USD is nothing new but a new attempt to force proprietary solutions to come and get together in a common format, which has always be proven to fail because proprietary solutions simply do not want to come together, and that's why they are proprietary in the first place, otherwise they would be open source. Said another way, it is not a matter of defining a standard, that's the easy part and it has been done multiple times. It is rather a matter of convincing proprietary platforms to collaborate, which never succeded for obvious reasons. In this respect the USD guys are quite naive, or presumptuous.
That said, Blender is willing to support USD for what is possible, within the aforesaid conversion limits, so one option is to export to blender then to USD.