Content missing after upgrade to Daz Studio Pro 4.9

I upgraded to studio 4.9 from 4.8 and now pretty much all my content is missing. When you highlight 'Products' in the Content Library tab there's absolutely nothing there. The other categories have some items but nothing like what should be there. The install Manager indicates that everthing is supposedly still installed. I tried re-importing metadata. No success there. Help if you can.
Aslo, I keep getting some 'Resource Error' message whenever I launch the program. It says 'A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established', etc. Got no idea what that means. I didn't change any settings on my system before or after the upgrade. All my other programs that access the web are still fine, and my antivirus software doesn't indicate it's blocking antything.
A final point: My Dynamic Clothing Control plugin doesn't seem to be recognised. There are no Physics or Parameters tabs, and the no slider bars for control. The plug-ins listing shows it as 'basic'.
Final point: When I go to see if the application is registered, it won't complete the process. A check appears when I put in a serial number, but the 'OK' button remains greyed out.
Content missing is realted to the lack of PostgreSQL. Is that isnbtalled, and what is your firewall/seurity software?
Dynamic Clothing Control needs to be reisntalled after DS - if you download them all at once it may have gone in fuirst and been overwritten by the basic plug-in from DS itself. Uninstall and reinstal should fix that.
You shouldn't need to reregister DS if this is an upgrade from a previous 4.x.
I finally just got it to show up. It has been a problem for several versions of daz. I am so happy. Thank you Richard.