Shader is a different color on different objects

So I am parenting one object to another object (obviously a head on a neck), and applying the exact same shader (no texture, just a simple shader), and they do not match, in the preview or the render, see image. I checked the surface settings, and they are identical. What am I missing? Shouldn't they render the same? What else could be affecting it? It's not the angle of the object, cause the sides are almost at an identical angle, and they still have this divide.
Hmm, despite everything that does look a bit like a shader mismatch. Just to make sure, look at the top of the Surfaces tab and see what shows on the "Shader:" line when you select the head and neck materials.
Did yu select the materials as well as the objects when you swapped from one to the other? Shader presets aren't the same as materials presets, they don't contain surface names, so you must specify the surfaces you want the shader to be applied to. It's an easy mistake to make, with all my experience of D|S for many years I still trip up on this now and then.
Well, I checked and double checked, and then copy/pasted the shaders to make sure. I even opened them in the Shader Builder, and all the same.
Bad news is that I found if I use the Advanced Ambient Light/Advanced Spotlight, then it all matches seamlessly. If I use the Daz Default lights, there is a mismatch. BOOOO!!!!
I am running 4.7, and I "could" upgrade, but 4.8 was a crashing beast to me, and 4.9 makes me sad.... oh well, I guess I will just make sure to use the Advanced Ambient light!
Are you sure the image gammas match? Find the image in the Surface pane, click the icon button, and select Image Editor from the menu. Also, are you sure there is only oen copy of the mesh there?
There is no images in any channel, its just a shader. Regarding the mesh...yes, it's a single head, and a single body.
The image to me looks like standard mismatched normal shading between intersecting polygons. If the intersection isn't co-planar with equivalent normals, you get this, as the surfaces 'point' in different directions. Did you use the polygons where the two are supposed to 'attach' as part of each object (and identical for those polygons)? To wit: take the 'body' object, and copy out JUST those polygons where the 'head' object is supposed to 'attach' to, then add them to the head object, so that both objects have identical polys in the intersection area.
Yea that is probably the case, I just figured with the same shader, and the same lighting that the difference would not be "quite so noticeable". It's not a big enough deal that I will take em to the modeller. As I mentioned, with different lighting, they are almost identical. It just the standard Spot/Distant lights that make it seem really different.