Auto-Fit Partially Disabled in a Figure?
This was a weird one (aren't they all?)
Created a new figure/morph for G8F. I saved it as both a Scene and as a Character Preset.
When I load the figure as a Scene file, everything works fine. If I try to load a non-G8F hair or clothing item, Auto Fit appears as it always does.
When I click on the character preset, Daz loads the same figure into the scene... but, if I try to fit any non G8F clothing/hair, the Auto Fit window only gives the first option ("What Figure Was the Item Originally Designed For?"). No matter what I select, the second drop-down menu ("What Type of Item is it?") remains grayed out and unselectable.
I can only assume that there's a setting gone wrong in the character preset but, for the life of me, I have no idea what it could be, or why it would affect the preset and not the scene-loaded figure. If I choose a vanilla G8F and load the character preset onto her (as opposed to loading a new figure into the scene) that figure can also use Auto Fit correctly.
First thought was to check the compatability base for the Character Preset figure, but that's all set to G8F like normal.
(edit: also tried deleting the Character Preset and creating a new one from the Scene file, no luck there either. Saved just fine, loads just fine, same partial Auto-Fit problem)

I couldn't reproduce the issue... What's your DS version ?
and you are selecting the correct base figure in the AutoFit dialogue?
I vaguely remember that I've seen the same issue in some older versions...You can try with the latest version, maybe Public Build firstly.
That is true, AutoFit gained the ability to handle changes to posing about the time Genesis switched default.
Thanks, everyone. I will try to upgrade to 4.23 when I get a chance.
I've found that if I fit a non-G8F item onto any other character (using the normal Auto-Fit) screen, I can shift it over to my 'broken' G8F custom character simply by selecting the item and then "Fit to" from the menu.
I still have lying around. The same issue happens there, too. I've never had it happen before with either stock Genesis characters or custom ones.
Is there anywhere under the hood you might suggest I take a look? The compatability base seems to be fine but perhaps there is another setting that I've overlooked? The only lead I've got at the moment is the fact that Auto-Fit works fine when the character is loaded from "Open File" (i.e., Scene) or as a Scene Subset, but not when clicking on the character.