How to transfer animation from maya to daz??

Hi guys, Maya is awesome for animation that's why so many companies and studios use it daz is good too but on my mind maya is better so I wanna use maya for animating daz3d chars I export characters to maya then I import it to maya I've heard from a friend that there are some ways to transfer animated body infos to a figure in daz3d (After animating the exported character in maya I wanna transfer only animation info into the original character in daz Not the whole figure so) And he is given me some links that I haven't checked them out yet but at least I know it's possible but what about Animated Faces in maya I mean on g3F and G3M facial rig is added so after animating the bones I need to export data into daz onto the bones that don't exist cause there's no bones in daz facial rig is just made when we export the character so how am I supposed to transfer the animated face too?