Need help with duplicate resource

jmucchiellojmucchiello Posts: 173

Need help with a duplicate resource.

I can't figure what FACS is. I know I own the Luna G9 character. But I have no idea what FACS is. (Nor do I know what a Mouth Sticky slider would do.)

And even if I found the conflict. I wouldn't know how to fix it.


2024-10-06 15:22:08.829 [WARNING] :: \src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(989): Duplicate formula found:


File: /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 9/Base/Morphs/Luna3D/-G9-Young-01/-G9-Young-01.dsf

Owner: Genesis9

Input URI: Genesis9:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%209/Base/Morphs/Luna3D/-G9-Young-01/-G9-Young-01.dsf#-G9-Young-01?value

Input: -G9-Young-01

Output URI: Genesis9:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%209/Base/Morphs/DAZ%203D/FACS/facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower.dsf#facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower?value

Output: facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower


File: /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 9/Base/Morphs/Luna3D/-G9-Young-01/-G9-Young-01.dsf

Owner: Genesis9

Input URI: Genesis9:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%209/Base/Morphs/Luna3D/-G9-Young-01/-G9-Young-01.dsf#-G9-Young-01?value

Input: -G9-Young-01

Output URI: Genesis9:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%209/Base/Morphs/DAZ%203D/FACS/facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower.dsf#facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower?value

Output: facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower

2024-10-06 15:22:08.854 [WARNING] :: \src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(989): Duplicate formula found:

This is the file:


"file_version" : "",

"asset_info" : {

"id" : "/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%209/Base/Morphs/Daz%203D/FACS/facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower.dsf",

"type" : "modifier",

"contributor" : {

"author" : "Daz 3D",

"email" : "",

"website" : ""


"revision" : "1.0",

"modified" : "2022-02-17T15:35:29Z"


"modifier_library" : [


"id" : "facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower",

"name" : "facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower",

"parent" : "/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%209/Base/Genesis9.dsf#Genesis9",

"presentation" : {

"type" : "Modifier/Pose",

"label" : "",

"description" : "",

"icon_large" : "",

"colors" : [ [ 0.9764706, 0.772549, 0.1764706 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ]


"channel" : {

"id" : "value",

"type" : "float",

"name" : "facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower",

"label" : "Mouth Sticky Power",

"value" : 1,

"min" : 0,

"max" : 1,

"clamped" : true,

"display_as_percent" : true,

"step_size" : 0.04


"group" : "/Pose Controls/Head/Mouth/Adjustments"



"scene" : {

"modifiers" : [


"id" : "facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower-1",

"url" : "#facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower"





Post edited by jmucchiello on


  • That looks like an error in /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 9/Base/Morphs/Luna3D/-G9-Young-01/-G9-Young-01.dsf - which, by the folder names, should be a product from Luna3D. Do you have any products from that vendor for Genesis 9 that might have a Young morph included?

  • jmucchiellojmucchiello Posts: 173
    edited October 2024

    Okay, I found it. Now what? I have to remove one of these products? Can the makers fix this?

    830 x 633 - 63K
    Post edited by jmucchiello on
  • That needs to be reported to Technical Support so that the PA can be asked for a fix. You could, at least somewhat, fix it yourself but it would involve editing the .dsf files in a text editor and we can't really know what the duplicated values should be - just one set or the other, their sum, something else?

  • jmucchiellojmucchiello Posts: 173
    edited October 2024

    Is that really a good idea?

    How would you know that there isn't something missing and it was a typo?

    Report sent.

    Post edited by jmucchiello on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2024

    As per our experience of fixing this sort of issues for years, this is the quickest and safest way. You can also manipulate morph, Bake ERC, re-freeze ERC and re-save morph assets....yada yada,  if you want to go for the traditional way.

    The vendor would probably do the former if they know well about it ~~ BTW, it was no a typo but came from the wrong process of ERC... on the vendor's side...

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • So what do I delete?

    This file: Genesis9:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%209/Base/Morphs/Luna3D/-G9-Young-01/-G9-Young-01.dsf is binary. 

    The other file: /data/Daz%203D/Genesis%209/Base/Morphs/DAZ%203D/FACS/facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower.dsf is JSON and is listed in its entirety above.

    Do I just delete the second file from the directory? (I would just rename the extension, not actually delete it.)

    What lines in that JSON need to be modified if deleting would be bad?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2024

    I don't have that product... so I have no way to check it but the OP in the thread I linked to you well fixed it by deleting the duplicate coding blocks in -G9-Young-01.dsf.

    That file is not binary but just compressed by DS. Go to DS > Windows > Panes (tabs) > Batch Convert, uncompress that file. Then open it with Notepad++, search by MouthSticky, you can find multiple coding blocks... just leave one there by deleting others.

    DO NOT delete or rename:  /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 9/Base/Morphs/Daz 3D/FACS/facs_ctrl_MouthStickyPower.dsf  That's not the culprit.

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • That was surprisingly easy. And today I learned how to compress/uncompress the asset files. (And that there were two other duplicates keys in that file.)


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