Issue with object's own normal map when using Iray Leather preset. Bug or setting?

Both myself and the other half are having this issue- I'm on 4.9 and he's on 4.8. Can anybody else confirm this for us?
Load in an object that has it's own normal map and use the Leather Iray Uber shader on it. Now replace the leather's automatic normal map with the object's normal map. The expected behaviour would be that the normal map respects the UVs and shows up as you'd think it would, but on the leather shader it does not and it tiles it like it's a tileable texture.
In the attachment, the gray has been given the default Iray Uber Base and had it's normals applied, and the brown is using the Leather preset with the normals map changed.
If all that makes this a leather preset is the diffuse color and the added normals map, then I can just forgo using it and do my own leather.

Its mostly the diffuse and the normals, but Jen does really good materials in general... so its not going to be only that. Its going to have specific specular settings as well.
You should be able to do what you want... question is just this: where is it tiling? Because with Iray Uber it can be tiled at the top level affecting all images, or it can be tiled at the image map level for each one. Should be easy to check if the Normal is tiled in the Image Editor, or if the tiling options are set on the surface itself.
In Iray, all the maps are tileable, individually.
My guess is that if you are just replacing the maps, then if the Iray leather has set its own tiling, that the tiling is not being reset to 1. Click the image in the Surface tab (this case the normal map)...and instead of Browse, select Image Editor...there should be tiling options there.
Sorry I didn't see these posts. I'll have a go with that next time I try. Thanks!