Daz Studio Shader Layered Textures...need help!!!!!

Hello there folks hope someone can help me as my brain seems to have melted...
Essentially I am trying to create a Shader which has a layered texture...
Stating with a base layer, I'd like to cover an area say with leather of other textile.
Then on top of this I'd like to place an emblem that I can change.
Now if my thinking is correct I'd use a Mix brick, with the plain texture as the "base" and the emblem as the "layer" with a black and white mask of the emblem in the "Alpha".
However I just can't seem to get it to work.
Has anyone done anything similar or can point me on the right lines?
BTW I did swap the base and the layer to see if I got them the wrong way round and it did not seem to change anything, unless I got my alpha channel wrong..but I confess I'm very green at this..
Steve C
Your basic idea is right - could you post a screenshot of your network?
You've the good idea and you should have succeeded. The only thing to be aware is to have have all your bricks configured as color
Thanks for the reply..
Made the one mistake..you have to render to see the Alpha..I simply applied the texture and nothing appeared to happen..
OK anyone know if you can tile one texture as a base layer and mix another layer like a logo (or decal?)
Just add the tiler before the image
Got it!