Installing through connect

1. Is there a way to just show the stuff you just bought so you know what you need to install? I like the way DIM works because you can input your order number (actually Daz does it for me) and then I can select everything and it just installs it all. Is something similar possible in connect?
2. I believe you can install all your old content via connect. But I'm not sure it makes sense to do that. If I understand correctly, doesn't it copy the files from where they are to another location. And then you would have to go and remove the contect installed through dim? That's a lot of content to take up double the space. And a lot of content to remove to regain the space.
3. If I can't find out where something was installed, I could open DIM and select a productand see where it was installed. That way I wasn't spending half of my life looking for something. Is there a way to do that with Connect?
I did follow the instructions and I did learn just now that I could enter a product in the search bar and then it showed the product that I entered. (It looks like it might have shown the Detective bundle if I had stumbled upon the search bar sooner. By the time I had found it, I had already found the trenchcoat in the wardrobe folder and installed it that way.) But what I don't understand about the search bar is this....I entered "Old warehouse" and hit enter and nothing happens. Then I clicked on clear all, and I see the product I was trying to find. I expected Clear All to clear what I had just typed into the search bar. So I guess I'm not understanding the process completely.
1) On the Products view of the Smart conent tab, I think you can sort by Order Date, which should put all products from your most recent orders at the top.
2) I'm planning on very, very slowly re-installing through connect. As a product is updated in DIM, I'll uninstall it through DIM and then re install it using Daz Connect.
3) All Daz Connect content is installed in the Daz Connect/cloud directory. As far as where you can find it within Daz Studio, the easiest way is probably to double click on the Product icon, which will then show you how everything has been categorized, and you can add links within your content library and/or make your own categories if you wish.
where is the "install all" button ?
When I was trying to locate all the parts of the detective bundle, I went throught the instructions on how to use connect again. This time I noticed the search bar. I entered detective into the search bar and hit enter. Nothing happened. There was nothing in the window below the search bar. (And I did not see the detective bundle or any of its parts in the AVAILABLE window. But I have the impression from the instructions that I should have). I then clicked on the Clear All button. I expected that to clear what I had typed into the search bar. Instead it populated the window below the search bar with two items (I think). The first one was Detective Bundle and the second one was one of the items in the bundle. Underneath the Detective Bundle were the words Install All. I assume that means that I could click on it and it would install the entire bundle. I didn't try it as I had already installed the trenchcoat by then.
I assume your question refers to this, Ruphuss.
Thanks for your explanation, DaWaterRat.
Select all, right-click, Install.