Is there a trick to getting Morphs ++ Injected into M4 in DS Pro

Haven't had M4 on my Runtime since computer change. Tried setting Michael 4 up in Base Morphs & Morphs ++ for him. The Base injection doesn' seem to do a thing and the Morphs ++ seem to be loading but morphs don't appear in parameters tab. I've downloaded and reinstalled a number of times without success. crying Help please



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    How did you install them?  If manually, did you run the DzCreateExPFiles-M4.bat?

  • StrixowlStrixowl Posts: 301

    Thanks Fixmypcmike. I forgot all about that damn DzCreateExPFiles-M4.bat thingy it's been so long.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    I asked in another thread about installing V4 and M4 and morphs++ in another thread but it got totally ignored, so trying again here, will these products install correctly with Daz Connect or do they still have to be installed by DIM or manually? Same with products like Lightdome Pro or GenX or Reality, will they install with Connect properly? I am thinking of only using Connect when I get my new computer up and running, but if it can't install everything correctly and I still need another way to install half my products I will stick with DIM and Connect will be a useless addition on my computer.  It would be nice to have a list of how much Connect will install correctly and what products will still have to be installed Dim or manually.  Has anyone even tried these products in the new version to see if they work?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Generation 4 figures and all figures using Exp system for morphs (like the Subdragon for example) won't work if installed with Connect, you won't even find them in the "available for install" pane AFAIK. You will need to install them with DIM or manually.

    Connect won't install plugins or DS updates either (at least for now)


    (link to the Connect FAQ if you need more info: )

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    Thanks Leana :)

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