Firefighter Gear???

in The Commons
How is it possible that we don't have firefighter gear outfits that look, well, like most firemen I see. Like, the pants with suspenders, the Helmet. I have the set for genesis 3, but the helmet looks odd to me. I really thought there had been one, maybe for M4, but I don't see anything in the store. Am I missing it?
The only one I can find is at Renderhub
You'd probably need to kitbash it with the G3 one here to get all the parts you need.
The M4 one may have been retired.
You are right, there was one for M4, unfortunately, gone: M4 Fire Fighters Set [Documentation Center]
I had seen the renderhub one. And yep that is the M4 one I remember. Dang. I'll check out the one for genesis 2 female. Thanks.
I think the beige FF uniforms now outnumber the black FF uniforms, in the US at least. England, Germany, and Switzerland's were all a bit different I noticed. Our department just got a new set of them and they are very expensive.
What about this one?
She knows how to work a hose.