
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited September 2024

    Oh, its a very sad news ! The first time I saw her was in the movie Evil Under the Sun. She was a great actress !

    My sincere condolences. RIP, Dame Maggie Smith ~~

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • She absolutely always had the best, most exquisite dialogue lines in the Downton Abbey TV series,  and always delivered them perfectly.  A brilliant talent. And a life well lived. 

  • I have admired her work for decades. She seemed to get better and better as time went on. A real shame, but a life full of achievements. Regards, Richard.
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Oh, that's sad.

  • Such a sad loss, loved her characters.

  • RIP :(

  • The first movie I saw her in was the original 1981 Clash of the Titans where she played the goddess Thetis, mother of Calibos, and the main antagonist of the movie. Rest In Peace. 

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    I first saw her in 1991's Hook, and she already looked ancient in that.

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,205

    What a blessing that we have so much of her work to go back and enjoy any time we like.


    ...what a sorrow that there will never be more.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ..sad indeed.

  • It's sad news, she was an excellent actress who gave us beautiful characters. May she rest in peace.:(

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited September 2024

    While browsing through YouTube yesterday (Friday), I happened to catch a live stream from "Rix Flix" in Universal Studios, Orlando, where social media had called a "Wands Up" gathering.  By time Ric arrived, there were several hundred people packed into the area in front of Hogwarts Castle, and by time of the scheduled 7:00 PM tribute there was probably a thousand.  Many with wands.  When the magical moment arrived, a thousand wands, or at least fingers, were pointed up into the sky for a minute.  And then the crowd dispersed.  Sort of a minute flash mob.  Link above is about 3 minutes before the momentary  Several minutes before the event, Ric was closer to the castle and you could see some of the cul-de-sac area directly in front of the castle that was also packed.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    RIP sad

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,514

    A very impressive actress; she was one of the greats. R.I.P.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    condolences. I saw a bit of Downtown Abbey and her chaacter was the most fun. I've the Harry Potter movies but haven't watched them yet.

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