She absolutely always had the best, most exquisite dialogue lines in the Downton Abbey TV series, and always delivered them perfectly. A brilliant talent. And a life well lived.
I have admired her work for decades. She seemed to get better and better as time went on. A real shame, but a life full of achievements. Regards, Richard.
The first movie I saw her in was the original 1981 Clash of the Titans where she played the goddess Thetis, mother of Calibos, and the main antagonist of the movie. Rest In Peace.
While browsing through YouTube yesterday (Friday), I happened to catch a live stream from "Rix Flix" in Universal Studios, Orlando, where social media had called a "Wands Up" gathering. By time Ric arrived, there were several hundred people packed into the area in front of Hogwarts Castle, and by time of the scheduled 7:00 PM tribute there was probably a thousand. Many with wands. When the magical moment arrived, a thousand wands, or at least fingers, were pointed up into the sky for a minute. And then the crowd dispersed. Sort of a minute flash mob. Link above is about 3 minutes before the momentary tribute. Several minutes before the event, Ric was closer to the castle and you could see some of the cul-de-sac area directly in front of the castle that was also packed.
Oh, its a very sad news ! The first time I saw her was in the movie Evil Under the Sun. She was a great actress !
My sincere condolences. RIP, Dame Maggie Smith ~~
She absolutely always had the best, most exquisite dialogue lines in the Downton Abbey TV series, and always delivered them perfectly. A brilliant talent. And a life well lived.
Oh, that's sad.
Such a sad loss, loved her characters.
RIP :(
The first movie I saw her in was the original 1981 Clash of the Titans where she played the goddess Thetis, mother of Calibos, and the main antagonist of the movie. Rest In Peace.
I first saw her in 1991's Hook, and she already looked ancient in that.
What a blessing that we have so much of her work to go back and enjoy any time we like.
...what a sorrow that there will never be more.
..sad indeed.
It's sad news, she was an excellent actress who gave us beautiful characters. May she rest in peace.:(
While browsing through YouTube yesterday (Friday), I happened to catch a live stream from "Rix Flix" in Universal Studios, Orlando, where social media had called a "Wands Up" gathering. By time Ric arrived, there were several hundred people packed into the area in front of Hogwarts Castle, and by time of the scheduled 7:00 PM tribute there was probably a thousand. Many with wands. When the magical moment arrived, a thousand wands, or at least fingers, were pointed up into the sky for a minute. And then the crowd dispersed. Sort of a minute flash mob. Link above is about 3 minutes before the momentary tribute.
Several minutes before the event, Ric was closer to the castle and you could see some of the cul-de-sac area directly in front of the castle that was also packed.
A very impressive actress; she was one of the greats. R.I.P.
condolences. I saw a bit of Downtown Abbey and her chaacter was the most fun. I've the Harry Potter movies but haven't watched them yet.