Configuration change?

We were told that we would only have to log in once to Daz Connect to get our computers authorised. I connected for the first time yesterday and installed some connect ony content When I started Daz Studio today I got a message saying the configuration had changed and I had to connect to Daz to get authorisation to use my content.
I don't know what it thinks has changed. I haven't made any changes to my computer, I'm still using the same version of Studio, I haven't even installed any new content although I have updated my custom categories, surely that doesn't count?
Has anyone else had this?
I have seen a single other user who seems to be having problems with this.
Unfortunately, since this shouldn't happen and it is happening it means this problem is going to be a bit interesting to solve. If it happens again please contact customer support and let them know I sent you so we can get started on figuring out why this would be happening.
Probably unrelated, but a recent windows 7 update made my windows think it had changed and I got a message saying it was not genuine. I had to contact MS to get it re-authenticated. This was a couple of weeks ago.
(This only happens to about a million windows users every year, so not worth fixing!)
I get that message often but then it just logs in I presume, I only have 3 connect items and they work, no intention of downloading more.
Had that too a couple times
fortunately it fixed itself following some steps from the Microsoft forum I had to access on my tablet!
I know it involved reading my serial off the sticker on my PC with a torch in an awkward pose.
I got this notice this morning as well, despite having not changed my PC, apart from running Windows Update. (and Windows stayed authenticated, so it's not that)
I don't have any Connect content, BTW.
It happened again today so I submited a ticket as requested.
Stopping and restarting Studio does not trigger this and doing a Windows restart today didn't trigger it either. So far it has been once per day, but I only have a sample of two days so far. I'll see what happens tomorrow.
and lo and behold starting the 32bit again
I had do no show agian ticked and work offline on 64 bit so none the wiser there
that was logfile before reauthenticating again, is quite short now, deleted the one there from app data roaming
it appears 6 items do it
I would guess that switching between 32 and 64-bit is enough to trigger it in to thinking that you moved your hard drive to a new machine. In order to get that message to disappear you would have to re-login via Daz Connect to get it to get your key reformatted for your "new machine"
This does present quite the puzzle though. If we change the algorithm that determines what a machine is so that it works when people switch from 32/64 bits it would break it for everyone (because the algorithm was updated) and making everyone reconnect without reason isn't something we want to do. However, if we leave it alone it will cause quite the headache for people that switch 32/64 frequently.
If it is any help, I haven't even got the 32 bit version installed.
Nor do I.
I have the 32 bit for lipsync
I am not a good tester as I disabled the connect popup as do not intend using it as I am mainly a Carrara user.
Was just sharing that I did sometimes ger the message, it is also of course the beta, I use DS4.7
If you aren't switching between 32 and 64 bit, and you are having this problem even after you successfully login please contact support.
We have some steps for you to go through so we can get them back to QA and get a clue as to what is going wrong. I was working with another customer that had this issue via PM but their system magically fixed itself. Good for the customer because it is now working without complaint, bad for us because relying on magic fixing problems is not an effective software strategy.
I do switch between 32bit and 64bit when I use DAZ studio as more than a convertor for iClone and Carrara, as I do my lipsyncs in the 32bit as mimic live does not load wav files, only reason,
I use wav files otherwise in my other programs
I have no idea if this is fixed or not and frankly do not care as connect is not something I desire, was just pointing it out as yet another reason why, I need internet anyway for Octane and iClone, the authorisation is not so much a problem particulary of programs, it is locking content so I cannot use it in other programs I loath.
Which in effect this is for both Carrara and Poser.
Reallusion lock their content btw but you can pay more for export versions so there is always that option DAZ can consider too.
and yes this consistently happens going betweeen 32 and 64, I can verify that
I've only had it happen the one time, so far. I see that NVidia have a driver update; when I get a few renders knocked out, I'll update it and see if that causes the config change.
Currently we know of two ways for the machine connection to go wrong:
1. Switching between 32/64 bit
2. Switching between running as Administrator and not.
Any time you see that message come up it will keep coming up until you re-login, but if you see this keep popping up and it isn't either of these cases please contact customer support.
And Rawb...look in to it, running as an Administrator could be contributing to some of the PostGRE problems, too.
I'm still getting this error once a day, and for the last two days it has also locked up on my first attempt to connect. Each time killing Studio with the task manager and restarting it let me connect OK.
This issue is actively being looked into, and has been since reports started popping up.
I can't even connect to DAZ Connect.
Can't even login to DIM.
Can't even download products manually.
Just great....
Your best bet is to contact support with a ticket so they can hep isolate the issue.