Revolution vs SFD Omni Shaders

in The Commons
Can anyone explain the differences between these two products, please? Do both enable the conversion of non-Omni hair to Omni, or are they for use with hairs that already use the Omni shader?
Revolution - Omni Shader Presets For Strand Based Hairs | Daz 3D
SFD Omni Shaders for Strand Based Hair | Daz 3D
They both will convert older strand hairs to the new omni shader. However, At first look by the store page, that set has a lot less options than my Revolution Set. Maybe new colors, though some look close to ones I already covered. SFD's does provide a hair thickness option though.
Im not seeing transmission either, which is basically the whole point of omnihair
Just use default iray uber on the hair if it's going to look like that and save yourself the render time
$2.99 vs $25.99
Dave.. you know.. theres always another sale LOL.
Compare the promo images of the two products and see if you'd be better off saving that $2.99 to put toward Revolution when the next sale comes around.
Thank you all, some things to consider.
@chevybabe25 yes, always. BTW, your work is superb.
I will more than likely purchase the low cost one now and the other later on. I haven't passed up too many of these special opportunities with this PA sale.
What is transmission, and how do you determine if a shader has it?
I'm happy enough. Here's a couple of OOT strand hairs that I tried these shaders (with the various options offered) on:
you can tell with your eyes (attached).
from what i gather this shader will have it, probably, as these are shader presets made for omnihair. But the shader presets settings are probably muting the effect or theyre just not very illustrative promos.
Oh, OK. Thanks!
how do we know a hair uses omnihair or even strand based when its in your library? what do we have to do with older strand hair to make it so? Do these shade packs do this or what?
Top-left of the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane will show what shader is used on the selected surface.
You can apply the base shader preset to get default values, the advantage of these products is that they have been fine-tuned for a particular look (well, the advantage if you like the look) so you don't have to do everything yourself.
Omnihair is a shader, which you can apply to any surface just like any other shader. For example, iray uber shader, blended dual lobe, or PBR skin can be applied to any surface. So to your question about how do you know if a hair uses omnihair, you will know because any hair can use omnihair. Shaders can be applied to any geometry. Whether it is useful for that surface is I suppose your actual question.
Strand based hair is an implementation of a type of hair geometry, one of it's features being able to change the Render Tesselation Sides values. When using an older strand based hair nowadays, you should go to Parameters tab and change the Render Tesselation Sides to 0 or 1. This will reduce the geometry but it will make the old Blended Dual Lobe shader lose some of its properties. Unlike the old Blended Dual Lobe shader, Omnihair shader will work on any Render Tesselation Sides value and will still look good on line tesselation sides of 0.
some packs may have presets to change render tesselation sides, but even if they don't, you can adjust it yourself under the Parameters tab.
Those do look pretty realistic for people with thick, dryer hair. They seem like a good starting point for experimenting with other settings in the OmniHair shader.
thank you very much for this .