Getting ready to install 4.9... some simple questions.

Some (hopefully) simple questions for my simple old mind/brain. I will try to be succinct with the questions and reduce superfluous data. If there are some points I need to clarify, please advise.
Where I am starting from:
Studio 4.8 currently installed; 64 bit only. I use the CMS with a specific directory pointer on a separate internal HD for where I install content I've been using DIM only to install with same directory pointers as in CMS, (I don't keep the zip files after install). I do not have any special/custom folders for my content/runtime. (n other words, all content installed as default). I don't think I need to export any files from CMS. I am trying to keep the install clean and end up with Studio 4.9 64 bit (and supporting tools) as the only software I will use. (I find just committing to new software works out better in the long run... eternally optimistic.)
To my questions:
1a. Should I uninstall anything before installing 4.9? If so what and how is the best way to uninstall? (Running WIN10; DAZ Studio strangely doesn't show up in my list of programs/apps.)
1b. After installing 4.9 what should I delete (folders, files, 'left over artifacts')?
2. Do I need to reinstall DIM (just in case I want to use that over 'Connect')? (I don't think so.)
3. On the product info/descriptions for Studio 4.9 in my Product library, at the bottom is the start (apparently) of a list of other things to install spearately. The listing shows:
- Genesis Starter Essentials
- Genesis 2 Starter Essentials
- 3D Bridge for Adobe Photoshop
**end C&P**
The 4th hyphen leads me to believe there's a bit more than shown. The View link puts me to the 'install now' landing page and doesn't show all the detail on the Library info. (BTW, I did a screen shot of the drop down listing in the "freebies" landing page of what's included with 4.9 - THANKS. That helps identify what I should be seeing at some point in the content or in my product library.)
4. Where can I get the full listing of what 'comes along' with 4.9? I am looking for the specific other items "that have their own installers".
5. Regarding material installed already, will any updated material be recognized and shown as needing updating/reinstalled in Connect? Or do I go to DIM for that? (Based on reading various threads, the aspect of installed content seems to be the biggest headache people have.)
6.. What about for older stuff that isn't 'smart content'? I assume I need to "scan known directories" at some point... right? Any other action for that to be recognized?
7. Do I uninstall the old CMS? (I assume the newer CMS is all 4.9 needs... but maybe I need to keep the older CMS.)
Thanks for assistance and patience with my lengthy list of questions.
1a No
1b nothing
2 No. Theer may be an update for DIM, as the current versions doesn't recognise the flag for Connect-ready content, but it isn't available yet
3, 4 If you scroll to the foot of the DS 4.9 page you should see a full list, with icons, of the separate products included.
5 Connect will not show updates for DIM-installed content - you can still install content using Connect and, as long as the fuiles installed are current and compressed, the installed files will be used rather than fresh downloads so that reduces bandwidth (and time) needed.
6 4.9 will pick up your existing content
7 No, 4.9 will not use Valentina (if present). Even 4.8 woudl not use it if PostgreSQL was installed.