question about NEW and SALE flags...

Anyone else finding [the "New" and "Sale"] them obnoxiously large? I mean did they get bigger? And the thumbnails even smaller? I remember being able to tell what an item was before just by looking at it, and now I am having trouble telling what i am looking at because they are large and the rtext is so large it now needs me to mouse over it to allow me to read the name of the product. This is only the ones on the sale pages as they are smaller for some reason, those and the ones on the horizontal scroll bars. If I just hit shop the flags are smaller and the thumbnails are much larger making them much easier to see what the item is.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
I don't have the feeling that they've got bigger, but I could be wrong. I'm very pleased that the wishlist now finally shows the 'new' and 'sale' products again.
However, I've been annoyed for a long time about another problem; perhaps you know it: the arrows that lead to the following (or previous) picture on the product pages are usually so large on my iPad that I can't see parts of the image. I have found that I have to click on the image to maximize it. Then I drag it smaller again (not by clicking!), and the arrows get smaller too. I always intend to send a help ticket, but I keep forgetting...
Sorry for hijacking your thread!
I don't know how it looks on an ipad, I am using a PC and I have a 43" 4k tv as a monitor. Even with this much real estate it looks cramped and obnoxiously large.
Oh, here is what I am talking about...
^That's intersting. Your flags are taking up half the thumbnail horizontally, while mine only cover a third. I'm on a 1080p monitor, desktop PC. Using Brave browser if that matters.
Edit: I wonder if it's the screen resolution. Maybe the flags (and other such elements) scale with screen resolution, but the thumbnails have a fixed maximum size (380x494 pixels) that might scale lower on lower-res displays but won't scale up beyond their max.
The sale page looks like the picture Silent Winter posted on my PC with a 1080p monitor using Chrome. The page zoom is set to 100%. The main shop page has bigger thumbnails so the tags take up even less space there.
Yeah if this is an "option" they are thinking about in my opinion they can scrap it, it makes looking at sale pages a pain in the rear. I can't tell what each product is without jumping through hoops instead of being able to just glance at an item and be able to tell exactly what it is. I hate it.
I just realized browser might have something to do with it and I am using Firefox, so I loaded Chrome and it's even WORSE on Chrome, the flags are even bigger on Chrome Just as nasty, shrink the stinkin flags already.
Can you set the PC resolution to 1080p as a test? If it looks better after that, we would know it's related to screen resolution.
At 1080 it is even worse, both flags are as large as the red one in my example picture. And how they look in chrome 100% garbage.
It is amazing how bad the store looks these days. Sure, it has every whistle, bell and gimmick you can imagine, but instead of a "slicker" interface, the result is just increasingly cluttered and sacrfices clarity in order to make room for a slew of added promotional sections that eat up a disproportional portion of the page space (the latest culprits being the lightning deals, and not one but two separate rows of "what's hot" items).. all on a page that a large percentage of the customers probably immedately skip over to get to the daily sale page.