Perito shows white only

VolvoB10MVolvoB10M Posts: 135

Another issue I am having is the Oso Perito will only show white no mater what colour materials option I select. When I set to render it is still white only.

What am I suposed to do to get this to work?

Post edited by VolvoB10M on


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    What version of DS are you using, and have you updated your Default Resources lately?

  • This is the latest version 4.22, I have the resource for this that bought today

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Default Resources is a package separate from DS itself that includes a lot of content for DS. The OmniHair shader, which Perito's fur uses, was introduced recently, and won't display correctly if you haven't updated your Default Resources. If you use DIM, open that up and see if you're due for an update. If you install manually, go here and download and install the first package in the list.

  • There is nothing in DIM to let me update, just each store download item. I will try it manually.

  • Where is this stuff in the file supposed to go? Theres nothing saying and there is no content folder with sub light presets

  • All I get in this folder is two script files and a folder under content but where is there the location content is set? The sub folders search up but do not come up with address path to allocate to.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Where is your content stored? If you don't know, open up DIM, go to Basic Settings and find the Content Base Path. That's where you want to move the folders inside Content (but not the Content folder itself).

  • It is not changed from default, not sure if it needs the % address thing but it has never worked. I put the package folder in the download location in the DIM program folder and it does not recognise it.

  • VolvoB10MVolvoB10M Posts: 135
    edited December 2024

    I have reinstalled everything in the install manager and I reinstalled Perrito using manual installation and every time it is rendering all white.

    Post edited by VolvoB10M on
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