Decals - how to save them

in The Commons
Hi, I've been trying to save decals but once loaded on a posed figure, they are messed up.
I noticed some decals purchased from the store, don't have this issue and once loaded, they load perfectly where they are supposed to (like on the arm for example).
What am I doing wrong with my "custom" decals? How do I save them correctly in order to be loaded in the correct position when using whatever pose? Thanks!
Should be something of help in here:
More help is in Parmy's video. At the time he made the tutorial he says we can't save them. We can save the material preset.
Also, when making the decal, parent it to the nearest bone. Then it will stay with the character as the character is posed.
Thanks, I watched the videos but they don't really explain my issue.
I know i can save them as mats, and load them. But that still requires to "repose" the blank decal.
I would like to load the decal, noce and mats, perfectly in place without having to reposition them. I noticed that some decals in the store seems to be saved as "wereables presets" I tried doing that but the issue occurs anyway.
I just don't understand how I can replicate that :( I want load a decal I positioned and textured in a specific part of the character, in any pose the character is in without having to make adjustments.
Well, they say we can't. Don't recall buying any decals myself to see what the Pros did. Any chance they were using textures on geoshells?
Assuming the decals are parented to the figure use a Wearables preset.