DAZ 4.9 More and More Confusing

I've been reading posts about the new 4.9 release and the more I read, the more I'm not wanting to upgrade. Everything I read gets more and more confusing. I'm reading things about metadata and something with SQL in it (whatever that is), having to download and install other things to make 4.9 even work in the first place. I've been using DAZ Studio for as long as it's existed, and I've never been more confused than I am with this new upgrade. It exhausts me just reading the posts of people who are having nothing but problems with it. Will this eventually be refined so it doesn't take rocket science to upgrade and actually use it? I use DAZ Studio mostly for enjoyment. If I have to jump through hoops just to get it to work on my computer, I don't want it. This means that any new content that is "Connect-only" will not be in my wish list and I won't be buying it. Won't this eventually hurt the artists when they lose sales because of this?


  • Do you have Smart Content in the current build? Then you already have a database engine - and if you are using 4.8 it's likely to be PostgreSQL. In any event, as long as you aren't using ZoneAlarm as your firewall, DIM should download and isntall it for you when you do the update as long as you check its box. Thngs are looking more complicated than they are as we get people discussing hypothetical concerns, as well as the occasional people who have problems. If you have been using DS without trying to delve into the innards, and as long as you aren't using ZoneAlarm, then theer should be no more complexities than usual.

  • adzanadzan Posts: 268
    edited January 2016

    Hi melanie

    Daz Studio 4.9 is just an update of 4.8, it looks the same and you use it pretty much as you would 4.8, 4.9 just has improved render engines.

    the metadata is how studio knows what a product is and which figure it can be used with and is has been in studio for a few years, for 4.9 the metadata is automatically downloaded from Daz so you don't have to do anything.

    The new daz connect is just a new way to download items from within the program, you don't have to use connect and 4.9 will work as 4.8 does.

    The connect encrytion would have to be something you decide to use or not

    hope that helps


    Post edited by adzan on
  • It is more complicated if you create custom categories because they will not migrate over. At least they didn't for me. They migrated perfectly from 4.7 to 4.8. I have used, taught, and reviewed graphic software for major companies for over 25 years and this install for me was a mess. Fortunately, I back up all my programs so going back to 4.8 wasn't difficult even if I wasted a good part of a day trying to get 4.9 to accept my categories. As a straight migration, it shouldn't be an issue. I hope DAZ fixes this because I would like to be able to use 4.9. I would have sent in a ticket, but I just put back a backup and continued from there.

  • mambanegramambanegra Posts: 586
    edited January 2016

    If you are worried, try renaming your DS 4.8 (or whatever are using right now) directory. When you do that, the installer won't overwrite your old version. Also, if you let DIM download it but not install, you might have the option to tell it where to install to, and can then choose an alternate directory. Like Paula, I had a backup, so I was able to restore 4.8 without any problems, but it took time. I wish I had renamed the old one first, just to be safe. 


    Post edited by mambanegra on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    It is more complicated if you create custom categories because they will not migrate over. At least they didn't for me. They migrated perfectly from 4.7 to 4.8. I have used, taught, and reviewed graphic software for major companies for over 25 years and this install for me was a mess. Fortunately, I back up all my programs so going back to 4.8 wasn't difficult even if I wasted a good part of a day trying to get 4.9 to accept my categories. As a straight migration, it shouldn't be an issue. I hope DAZ fixes this because I would like to be able to use 4.9. I would have sent in a ticket, but I just put back a backup and continued from there.

    Were they just custom categories, or did you create new product entries?  Custom categories should migrate, and re-importing metadata should restore them if they didn't (assuming you Export User Data in 4.8 before upgrading).

  • Just saw your post fixmypcmike. I'm on my iPad so I'll try to describe it. On the same level in 4.8 as Default and Themes ( already there in the install) is category I titled Basic-Paula. Under that are major categories such as wardrobe and people. Under those would be Genesis. Under that male and female. And under that specific categories. So the tree has many branches and sub branches. None of those showed up. I never touched the default categories set up by daz upon install other than to add 3 unassigned categories with dates where I put things I don't want. What showed up when I migrated were some off the wall categories that had never existed. Default didn't show up either. 

    When I migrated from 4.7 to 4.8 it went perfectly. In the past I had imported metadata to see how it would work after exporting. It never worked smoothly so I didn't do it this time. The files came in jumbled. 

    When the files didn't come in as they should I even tried using my old daz programdata file as well as the one from appdata/roaming. Felt it was worth a try. At least all is back to 4.8 since I create backups, but I would like to use 4.9 but cannot redo three years of categorizing all the files from DAZ and other vendors.

    i appreciate your asking and hope this reply is clear and not too long. Thanks


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    If you Export User Data in 4.8 and Re-Import Metadata in 4.9 does that restore them?

  • I don't have 4.9 on the machine. I thought I'd wait a while and see if DAZ finds an answer since others seem to be having similar issue.

  • Kaleb242Kaleb242 Posts: 344
    edited January 2016

    I was greeted with the following resource error:

    "A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established. Several DAZ Studio features that require a valid PostgreSQL CMS connection, such as context aware content views and loading content installed using the Daz Connect service, will not be available. Check your network, anti-virus, and firewall settings for conflicts."

    When I OK it, it goes to a Welcome panel asking me to "Connect to Your DAZ 3D Account".

    Then I get:

    "Success! You are now connected to your DAZ 3D account. Being connected allows you to install products and receive up to the minute updates to products and/or product metadata. It also allows you to browse the DAZ 3D store and make purchases in a convenient context aware way, directly within DAZ Studio. Be sure to explore the Smart Content pane and take advantage of being connected!"

    However, when I quit DAZ Studio 4.9 Pro Public Build, the same cycle happens all over again... and the Smart Content is not so smart; it doesn't see my entire catalog of content installed through Daz Install Manager at all... it seems like it wants me to download everything with Daz Connect. Some thumbnails are full color, other thumbnails are black & white.


    2560 x 1600 - 683K
    Post edited by Kaleb242 on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    You will be asked to import product meta-data again. 

    As for me, when I see "A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established....gagagagaagga."

    I needed to reset DB once, then import all meta-data again.  though I do not know it work for your case

    and those product with meta-data (installed by DIM)  and DAZ connect things not show me great harmony.broken heart

    it is almost chaos for me. but skillful and clever or good users seems get no problem. then maybe these things are our fault.angel

    maybe there are already real good documents about all in this forum. then simply we miss read them for our fault.angel

    without it, I can not believe daz offer ds 4.9 as product ver, and proud it, then recommend user to up-date and get new ds 4.9.angel

  • Kaleb242Kaleb242 Posts: 344

    I was not being prompted to import product metadata.

    However, I just forced it to load metadata from this menu... Connect > Update metadata...

    Looks like that repaired the Smart Content area -- nice!

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    It is more complicated if you create custom categories because they will not migrate over. At least they didn't for me. They migrated perfectly from 4.7 to 4.8. I have used, taught, and reviewed graphic software for major companies for over 25 years and this install for me was a mess. Fortunately, I back up all my programs so going back to 4.8 wasn't difficult even if I wasted a good part of a day trying to get 4.9 to accept my categories. As a straight migration, it shouldn't be an issue. I hope DAZ fixes this because I would like to be able to use 4.9. I would have sent in a ticket, but I just put back a backup and continued from there.

    Were they just custom categories, or did you create new product entries?  Custom categories should migrate, and re-importing metadata should restore them if they didn't (assuming you Export User Data in 4.8 before upgrading).

    underline should

  • Yeah, I read Cresent installed 4.9 and uninstalled CMS and blocked 4.9 from internet to get bug fixes. Cresent uses standard install folders and custom catagories without CMS, Smart Content or Connect. According to Cresent this works. Nothing got messed up, but if you use the CMS this is a different story. It would be nice if the installer for 4.9 came with the option for turning off Smart Content and CMS Install. I think these things are great for new users who don't know how to install things but if you set up your files your own way this becomes a problem. Just waiting until bugs get sorted and dust settles before upgrading. I will not purchase Daz Connect only stuff. I don't like DRM, but Daz does needs to do something about piracy so I guess it's a problem. The Music industry is going through same problem. I don't really see a solution except making things cheap enough that piracy does not matter. I mean who is going to pirate something when you can get it at a decent price?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    There are plenty of free products being pirated.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    There are plenty of free products being pirated.

    Yes indeed,  My previous website was taken down by the web host when it was pounced on by mass downloaders who stressed out the bandwidth in order to take and use my freebie content to pad their torrented files

  • What do we do to fix this PostgreSQL business?  I saw the update and innocently clicked it and now nothing works!  Why!  What do I do???  No firewall issues or anti virus issues.  HELP!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    Choronzon said:

    What do we do to fix this PostgreSQL business?  I saw the update and innocently clicked it and now nothing works!  Why!  What do I do???  No firewall issues or anti virus issues.  HELP!

    Do you have PostgreSQL CMS installed?

  • What do we do to fix this PostgreSQL business?  I saw the update and innocently clicked it and now nothing works!  Why!  What do I do???  No firewall issues or anti virus issues.  HELP!

    Choronzon said:

    What do we do to fix this PostgreSQL business?  I saw the update and innocently clicked it and now nothing works!  Why!  What do I do???  No firewall issues or anti virus issues.  HELP!

    Do you have PostgreSQL CMS installed?

    This is a good question... how does one find out?  And why would DAZ download an upgrade without an integral part along with it?  That is the question annoying me right now.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    See the bottom of this page for the products that come with DS4.9 but are not included in the application installer:  https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/files#prod_13176

    Do you install manually or with DIM?

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192
    Choronzon said:

    What do we do to fix this PostgreSQL business?  I saw the update and innocently clicked it and now nothing works!  Why!  What do I do???  No firewall issues or anti virus issues.  HELP!

    Choronzon said:

    What do we do to fix this PostgreSQL business?  I saw the update and innocently clicked it and now nothing works!  Why!  What do I do???  No firewall issues or anti virus issues.  HELP!

    Do you have PostgreSQL CMS installed?

    This is a good question... how does one find out?  And why would DAZ download an upgrade without an integral part along with it?  That is the question annoying me right now.

    DAZ migrated from the Valentina database (the CMS service) to Postgres (Starts when you run Studio or DIM) because the Valentina DB was having major corruption issues for a lot of people. Studio 4.8 was a transition release - if it found Valentina it would use it, otherwise it would connect to Postgres. 4.9 removed support for Valentina (and I'm not sure how well that was called out in the release note - need to go look).

  • With DIM.  I am still exploring.  I went to DIM and hit the updates and now when I try to use smart content it says that I cant because I dont have PostgreSQL.  THanks for the links, I am going to check those out now.

  • I found the PostgreSQL and clicked on the download and install and my DIM came up and I cheered and it then ignored it.  When I tried again it sniffed and said the account referenced is not setup in Install Manager.  Which is a fib but since it is a machine I will let that slide this time and download and install it manually.

  • laugh WOOWOOHHHOOOOOO!  My thanks to the academy and to mom and dad and to my family and to all the people who took time out of their days to help a wee lost lamb out roughin it in the wilds.  It works perfectly now with the small exception of the last 12 to 20 files being greyed out.  I double clicked one and it commenced "installing"?  That worked for the one... is there an easier way to get all these greys up and running?

  • Oh good lord this is gonna take forever... but still I like the way this new DB looks and feels with what IS up already so far as I can see.  The old DB kept making me click back into my content EVERYTIME I changed elements and some of those new iRay mats were buried deep... Click right shoe... click item click materials click iRay materials, apply... click left shoe rinse and repeat ad infinitum!  I hope this doesnt do that still!

  • Or luanch DIM manually and find the installer in that - ready to download or ready to install - and then click its install button.

  • melaniemelanie Posts: 795

    Okay, I took the plunge and upgraded, but first I made a copy of my 4.8 and put it in a different place as well as slightly altered the name. Then I upgraded and it appears that everything is working well. Two small snags with that Postgre SQL error message, but it only happened once when I accidentally clicked on the 4.8 icon. Not sure why it happened because it leads to the 4.9 version anyway. And when I tried to bring in Gianni 6 I got an error that some assets may be missing, however, he seemed to be all right.

    I never create custom categories. I've never had a desire to do that, so I don't even know how, so that's not a problem for me. I haven't tried logging on yet, so far I've only worked offline, but at this point, just since I upgraded last night, it seems to be working all right. Hopefully, I won't run into any problems, but for the time being, I'm fine with 4.9. Who knows what will happen later down the road, but I'm okay with it.

    Thanks for any suggesions and help.

  • Or luanch DIM manually and find the installer in that - ready to download or ready to install - and then click its install button.

    Not so in this case... it is just looking to update the metadata... what ever that is.  I just have to double click whats grey and we are all good.  Its just looking like about 30 to 40 percent needs this.

  • laststand6522732laststand6522732 Posts: 866
    edited February 2016

    I'm sorry to say so, but I'm getting that error message with 4.9.  I too had no problem like this with 4.8, or any previous version.  I added incoming and outgoing rules to my W7-64 firewall, but this did not help.  I completely uninstalled my anti-virus SW but the "Resource Error" persisted.  I used DIM to uninstall and reinstall PostgreSQL a couple of times, rebooting often, but this did not help.  I have refrained from "delving into the innards" or making it more complicated than it is.  If I knew what this program was asking for I would gladly provide it.

    Interestingly, the 32 and the 64 bit versions each gave their own error messages, and responded to my actions differently.  The 32 bit DS told me I needed to "reauthenticate."  In response I pressed the Smart Content "Login" button, making sure to check the "Remember Me" box.  Then I quit the program and reloaded it a number of times.  The error message never returned.  The program was satisfied.  The same actions in the 64 bit version did not satisfy the application.  Odd.

    Post edited by laststand6522732 on
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