Is there a G9 makeup props/poses product?

I found this for G8. Curious if the poses exist in G9 format?


  • SylvanSylvan Posts: 2,718

    Hi ^^ I have it on my list to update this product to G9!
    I am still working on a few other products, but I am looking at oktober to start wroking on it.

    Not very helpful if you need it now, but I just wanted to mention that it is something that will happen in the near future.
    I will also do texture/shader updates and add some extra props to the G9 release!

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    Does the G8 product not work on G9?

  • NylonGirl said:

    Does the G8 product not work on G9?

    Probably not without alot of trouble. Since G8 and G9 have very different UV mapping.

  • NylonGirl said:

    Does the G8 product not work on G9?

    The poses can be converted. However, as the props are wearables, it's a bit tricky to use them with the converted poses. So it's better to have a proper G9 product.

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