Saving morph with ERC freeze

Sometimes I create a morph which requires moving bones around to make them conform. I've used ERC freeze to tie those changes to the morph slider. Seemed to work fine in the past.

A current attempt has me confused. I edit the bones, I do the ERC freeze and I test it out--works just fine. I save the morph, close the file and open a new file and load my character. The morph no longer moves the bones--the erc freeze didn't take. 

I'm thinking I somehow ticked or unticked one of those little boxes that I'm clueless about. 

Any insights?


  • I don't know why it would happen, but it sounds as if the links were set to save with the controlled property (the joint centres) and not the morph. You can check that next time by finding the morph in the Property Hierarchy (right-click option from the parameters pane in Edit mode) and reviewing the settings under the sub-components list. You do gernally want all of the lower option boxes set when ERCing joint adjustments - the first one resets the bones to their default positions.

  • While this is an ancient post, it came up when I was searching for the same problem and did not yield the answer, so I want to put this here for informational purposes.

    I had this problem, and I literally wiped every trace of DAZ from my system and started fresh/reinstalled my stuff to no avail.  Turned out the Shape Rigger tool was to blame (G9).  It didn't work correctly for one, the bones weren't even close.  I did not use Shape Rigger's save morph, but just used the rigging portion.  After seeing the bones incorrect, I just used the built-in "Adjust Rigging to Shape" feature, then saved the morph under the Save As => Support Asset => Morph menu.

    After doing that, I got the duplicate formulas (why this is called a "formula" is beyond me and completely unhelpful) message, and in the log file, it showed the exact same file path as the "previous" and "duplicate."

    So unless I'm missing something, that was also incorrect, because I did not have the morph in 2 places, it just referred to the same single file as a duplicate.  So I dunno of that's DAZ's fault or Shape Rigger's, but I deleted it completely, then just stuck w/ Adjust RIgging to Shape, ERC Freeze, then saved the morph--problem gone--both the erroneous duplicate message and the fact that the bones didn't track on a new scene.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    Formulkas link two properties, so that the controlled proeprty gets a value in response to the controller. The classic examples would be a joint adjustment morph linked to a bend, and head/body morphs linked to a master character morph. Duplicate Formulas mean that there are two formulas linking on specific property to another specific property (e.g. JohnDow to JohnDoeHead). Usually that happens because a generic name has been used by two different artists, but it can happen in a single file. One way to get duplicates is to run ERC Freeze twice on the same controller, without using ERC Bake in between to remove the original link and just leave the raw values so that they can be revised.

  • DiasporaDiaspora Posts: 459

    I'm also having this same issue. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    How same? Just you get a duplicate formula warning, or more specifically the same? Have you checked the log file for details?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    I've used Shape Rigger Plus for G9 many times, and I have never experienced this duplicate formula problem. I wonder if something else is interfering.
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