Planetary Smuggler Eyebrows and Mohican

in The Commons
I've just bought GoM's Planetary Smuggler for G8M. It looks like the product doesn't include the wonderful eyebrows shown in the promos. Does anyone know where I can get them, please? And the Mohican hairstyle?
They both might be from this character:
Cool & gnarly looking fellows, both the G8M & G8F. Getting some great Star Trek Andorian vibes from them!
I might be wrong, but the eyebrows look they might be Alchemist Hair & Beard for Genesis 3 and 8 Males, M3D Victorian Hair, Facial Hair, Hats, and Aging for Genesis 8.1 Male, or even Kurdan Hair for Genesis 9 (although, that's iffy, seeing as it's G9), while the mohawk could be M3D Krampusnacht Hair and Beard for Genesis 9, 8, and 8.1 Males, Viking Fiber Hair Set for Ivar 9 and Genesis 9, Sidd Hair for Genesis 8 Males, or outliers like Short Mohawk Hair for Genesis 3 and 8 Male(s), Asher Hair for Genesis 3 Male(s), or possibly others.
Or they could all be strandbased hair painted on the figures.
Hope my suggestions help.
Yes, that looks like a possibility, too.
Thank you both. Dolb and Short Mohawk Hair look like the ones. Wishlisted.
One thing to watch out for with Planetary Smuggler G8M: it has TIF normal files, and they have the sort of compression that causes the production version of Studio to crash on render. (I'm told this issue may have been fixed in the beta version of Studio, but I don't have that installed.) As far as I know, the issue hasn't been corrected -- I filed a ticket on it a year ago, and have heard nothing. You may need to convert the TIF files to PNG files and swap them out.
I ammend my suggestion. I still think the brows came from Soto's Dolb, but now am pretty sure the mohawk came from Soto's Maxx character.
Yeah, they are Soto hairs and Dolb for the brows and Maxx for the mohawk, I think. It has been a bit.
Thanks all. I have Maxx, so that's one thing less to buy. His eyebrows look as if they could work too, so maybe two things less.
I'd seen an old post about the tif files issue but assumed it had been fixed. Nvm, I have one of V3Digitmes utilities to help me manage maps so should be easy enough.
The ticket number referencing the issue was 443126, if that helps. They were able to confirm the issue, but I guess they never contacted you about it. Which, sadly, is not a surprise.
It looks like that tif related crash is happening for me, as well. I couldn't find the issue (I am not sure how to search for tickets that aren't my own) but I will submit an update. Sorry about that.