Disable 4.9 SSS enhancements?

I installed the upgrade to 4.9 but now all my figures have really bad skin. I found this info:
A quick adjustment that can be made during the BETA phase is to adjust the "SSS Reflectance Tint" from a light blue to a light yellow—R: 1.00, G: 0.88, B: 0.67.
But it doesn't help and is supposed to be only for beta. Also the skins I use aren't supposed to look like normal ones. Is there a way to disable this feature to get the same look as with 4.8?
Well considering that the 4.8 version of skin settings were hacks to get around an Iray bug that Nvidia has since fixed, they aren't 'enhancements'. You'll probably need to work the skin settings from scratch...they are that different.
The characters from Daz like V7 etc seem to do really quite well with the upgrades. At least the ones I have tested so far. PA characters often do not have the same core settings for the character so it isn't always as sucessfull to do that minor tweak to the sss reflectance. The fix was only for beta because the characters are being updated. Not sure about any of the PA owned work though.
Loads of good setting information in this thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/54239/fiddling-with-iray-skin-settings/p1 Start toward the end though..its a very long, math heavy thread for quite a while.
I built a new setting and merged characters I had previously set without changing anything I am seeing much improved skin look..This is with a v4 based character. I find due to having been using PBR render engines for quite a while now, I still get alot of use out of V4..
Thanks for the link I tried some of the suggested settings but the problem is the skin I'm using isn't a normal skin but rather a mix between real look and comic look. The recommendations I found intend to get a more realistic look and they seem to make it rather worse for me. Well if there is no option to revert I will try to get 4.8 somehow back sadly I didn't download the installation file back then.
There is nothing that has been done to change the actual texture maps, so it is all settings...and for something like a toon look, it will probably need to be redone, from scratch.
My hope was there would be some option or something like set this to this and that and you will get the same behavior as with 4.8. Doing it from scratch is to much work for me at the moment as the 4.8 look took me a couple days to get right and who knows if they change it again with 5.0. If they add some useful features like physics it could be worth the effort but 4.9 doesn't seem to have any interesting features for me so I will try to get somehow 4.8 back.
The change is really up to Nvidia...they are the ones who fixed the error in the fist version. It was their bug...their fix. Yes, it impacted a lot of things...the way they were set up, was technically wrong, but that is what needed to be done as a work around for the bug. Now, it doesn't and the materials are 'correct'.
It's not so bad for things that aren't highly customized...but with highly customized settings that are going for a certain 'look', yeah probably need to go back to the beginning and start over.
I guess it would depend on what sort of almost real comic look your shooting for. Often they don't use a photoreal texture or things like bump maps at all. I'd skip the translucence all together perhaps. Just turn it down to 0 and use a pretty minimal amount of sss in a solid color.
Its mainly about the bright colors from comic while still having some realism, surface and 3d skin effects. The textures are simple with only a handful solid colors (like areas with nearly white, black, red...) so nothing photoreal. No bump maps. I tried to get it working with the settings in 4.9 and got at least the darker look away but it still doesn't come close to 4.8. The main issue are the colors who are supposed to be bright with the correct light but got just darker and/or pale from the upgrade. I tested with translucency 0-0.010 and I cant give any solid color to SSS other than white as it will color areas which are supposed to be nearly white.
From the testing so far it looks to me like the only way to get a similar look in 4.9 is to redo the texture colors and start from there.
Ok I have figured out the problem for the dark look and inability to get something colorfull. Translucency weight was set to 0.10 with Daz 4.8 but in 4.9 the same translucency seems to eat up most of the colors. Changing it from 0.10 to 0.00001 didn't help much in 4.9 but changing it from 0.00001 to 0 had a big impact to the solid colors. I'm not using human skins so I don't know if this is how its supposed to work after the SSS fix but the difference between translucency off and a small value like 0.0001 is way to big for my taste in 4.9.
Generally if SSS is used with Scatter and Transmit, it was blue, change it to red, and play around with it. If it's Scatter only, it doesn't seem to matter; I say seem.:)