Requesting help to identify the figure.

in The Commons
Im requesting your help to find who might be this figure.
I've already found out that the hair is the following :
And the skin is this one :
Im suspecting it to be a genesis 7 char or more unlikely a genesis 8.
Thanks for your time !

1600 x 900 - 2M
Unfortunately, at the point you know that a morph isn't paired with its skin, it becomes extremely hard to identify. (For one thing, skins are easier to ID than morphs, as they can have distinct features; for another, at this point it's extremely likely the morph is mixed).
I wouldn't get your hopes up around finding that morph specifically.
This can be a downer, I know, but I try to look on the bright side of all this - there's still more morphs out there that I can use than I ever reasonably could use.
Sorry for the very late reply,
First of all, thanks for your answer.
That's what i was fearing, a mixed morph char.
I can probably create something approaching.