Moonshine Diner Iray version props naming

The Moonshine Iray set has several "_A" files that make no sense to me. "MSDiner!Pre_MSDiner_A" seems to be the building with exterior light on, but then there are some with a dim light bulb in the icon which seem to do nothing. What's the difference?



  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    You must be in Iray Preview or make an Iray Render to see the lights. The ones with the "_A" set the Emission colour and/or Luminance to a non-zero value.

    ...and now I noticed that the "MSDiner Lights.duf" and "MSDiner Lights_A.duf" are material presets, not props (the 3DL version is still available). The Iray material presets only has one to turn on the lights, but none to turn them off (obviously, one can use the mis-identified material presets in the Scenes folder).

  • pixelquackpixelquack Posts: 288

    Yes, that's another thing, the mats in the scene folder. Someone was in a hurry. The old naming scheme is challening. One other thing I don't get is how the promo sets are different from each other, seems only in cameras. Why it's just not a camera set then beats me. Well, looks good, though.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Well, for the scenes, all of the layout, the lighting and render settings need to be set somewhere. Depends on how convenient you want it. One-click ready-to-render, or do each part individually. Dealer's choice.

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