Jair Hair problem: Always transparent like

Hi together,
i'm new to the whole Poser/DAZ community and working with the basic stuff.
I recently bought the Michael4 Starter Bundle with the Jai Hair included and i've been playin' around with some modelling.
Now my problem: It doesn't matter what i do, the Jai Hair always looks transparent, when i render the image in Poser. You can always see the skull as if the hair was too thin.
I've tried changing the transparency of the transparence map settings but then the modell shapes become visible.
What am i doing wrong? I would be glad for any help.
Have you got Smoothing turn on in the Render settings? If so try with it off. I start with that one first when I see things like that.
check your transparency and fall off options in the mat room.
Smoothing is turned of in the rendering settings.
Transparency is at 100%, but when i turn transparency down, you see the edges of the model.
Fall off is at 0.
Here's a picture of how the hair looks on the model plus some settings
Strange. I have an older version of poser to yours, so can't really help you , but I will put a help request out for our Poser user CVs to pull in and help you.
thanks.... i really appreciate this
Are you using Firefly or Hardware rendering?
Can you click on the advanced material tab and post a screen shot of your settings.
here's the first one
here's the second one (also belonging to the hair)
Sorry I'm not sure what the conversions are for the values. How many materials are there and all they all the same value for the transparency?
This is what I got rendering the hair quickly. Only a preview render I am afraid,
Edited to add a better render.
BTW, do you have the same settings on the hair scalp as well as the 2 hair parts.
Well, i guess i don't really know,....never changed any settings for the hair.
But would it be possible for you to tell me your settings or take a screenshots of your "simple" settings für hair1, 2 and scalpt (or skullcap or whatever it is called in english?)
Then i could try those out for my settings
Sure. thiese are screen shots of the mat room settings for the "Scalp" THe settings for Hair 1 and Hair 2 are the same except that the hilight is 20% on the Hair one and 2
It really looks like it has to do with my Poser Pro 2012 version....elsewise i'm just clueless
i've got the same settings and Poser only renders the hair a little less transparent if i change the fall-off values to 0,4 or so...but then it shows the edges of the rugh hair modell.
Yes you do need to have fall off at zero, And trans at 100% to get it to look right. It is very strange.
You say you have Poser Pro 2012, is that with or without the latest SR3
Well, the company i work for bought it only a week ago for some basic work with bought 3D modells.
So it's the
It would appear that you have Gamma Correction on in your render settings.
If you use GC, you must correct the Gamma on all transparency, bump, and specular maps to 1.0
You are wonderful!!!!
Don't know how this came to be, but you are totally right. It was the Gamma Correction.
Thanks a lot for helping a newbie ;-)
Alright... so i'm kind of new to alll of this....
just read the article on the Poser website about Gamma correction. A necessary thing. I'll try to change the hair settings according to your advice.
Well...and it worked very nicely. Thanks again
For taking care of the scene en masse, PP2012 has a python script called "Image Gamma".
This will enable you to select the items and make necessary correction
for this time, it's just the hair behaving in this way. Everything else was fine.
But i'll keep this in mind.