Card for just using the UI (Viewport)? (3060 - 4080)

Just a quick question. I have a stationary with a 3090, where I do all my render, but I do a lot of traveling an consider getting a laptop in a not too distant future. What is the minimum graphics I need to run the normal UI normally, with as little lag as possible? I do anything from small to big scenes (Up to around 10 figures, many items and objects). Still, the card does not need to outperform a 3090 as of now. I want it to handle texture-, cartoonshader, filament,
How many have tried running daz3d on a 3060 or 4060? Is it possible or noticeably slow?
Same question about 3070 and 4070?
Or am I just kidding myself and should I at least aim for something around 3080 and 4080?
Post edited by hejjj12 on
Depends on your budget of course. I used a 3060 12GB for a while. It was perfectly fine for what I was doing. I now have a 4080 which is obviously better. The key factor here will be RAM if you're wanting to do up to 10 figures with scenery. The more the better. I would get a 4070 16GB, unless cost doesn't matter, in which case the 4080. But you should be OK (provided your scene doesn't contain a zillion props) with a 3060 12GB.
Okay so 3060 might still be ok enough, might try to aim for a lower one then. Will buy a used one so good to know what options to look for. Great, that you mentioned ram, had not considered that it's ram that matters in viewport. Always thinking about vram in daz, so since I won't render it on the portable, it might manage with high ram and a low graphics card.
Had a 1080 before I went to 3090 so have a little hard time with cards in between, all I know was 1080 was barley useable, 3090 works well, for most scenes, unless I do something really extreme.
Thanks for the tip.
I take it you are talking laptop 3060s rather than dekstop?
If so, they are 6gb and therefore unusuable in Daz imo. Speed wise they look closer to the desktop varient than most Nvidia laptop products with the same name. But 6gb...
I had the desktop 3060 briefly before moving to a 3090 3 years back. It was viable. The gaming speed difference is pretty much the exact same difference in performance you will find in daz. So use any raw benchmark site out there to compare the 3060 to your 3090.
Oh, thanks! Had totally missed that the laptop 3060s are that horrible. Might need to go up one step then at least, will have a lock at some benchmarks as well.
If you are just going to use the laptop for building the scenes and plan to wait until you are home you should be able to get away with a low spec one. I used a non-Nvidia one for several years like that.
Okay, hmm. Sounds prommesing. Wish I could try on a old pc and see how it feels. Might try asking some friend if they have an older pc laying around to feel the diffrance. But first I might give remote desktop another go, now that I have a new router that seem to smoooth out the proecess whn at home at least.