
Well, i'm trying to use 2 geoshells in to one genesis 9 character:
1- Nipples, because we all know that nipples are serious business and the base nipples are really bad
2- wet skin
But everytime i got a white square on my character, and if i hide the wet skin shell, nipples stay perfect, but without water...
How i can fuse these 2(or more) shells? I have other alternatives like using any material that just apply water drips and the appearance of water on skin?
Thanks in advance!
Post edited by anders869 on
Change the mesh offset of one or both geoshells so that the nipple geoshell is inside the wet skin geoshell.
still not working
i'm using this products:
and another one from another site, you know from...
Offset distance: 0.0035
tried with another geo shells, no success, still have the white problem
This "white issue" has nothing to do with Offset Dist. but just the material settings on geo-graft surface(s) on the geo-shell.
Select your Wet shell in Scene pane, go to Surfaces pane, you should find the surfaces from Nipples / Navel geo-grafts. multi-select them (hold Ctrl key to select...), apply the same shader that the wet shell uses (usually Iray Uber...). Then copy Body surface on the wet shell to geo-graft surfaces.
Edit: If there're multiple geoshells, do the same on other shells, and of course, well set Offset Distance in between shells.
you are confusing geoshells and geografts
Oh, my bad, i'm learning hehehe
But what is the difference?
crosswind said:
Never mind... Nowadays some people just drop threads then never show up again...haha.
Here iam again xD
A little late, work is killing me
A GeoGraft attached to a figure, usually hiding some part of the base model and welding itself into the hole(s) left. It may or may not have new bones, it will (almost) certainly be in some way different from the base.
A Geo(metry) Shell is a live copy of the base shape, any chnage to the shape or pose will be reflected by the Shell. The shel can however, have its own distinct materials and can also be offset from the base figure (using a Push Modifier, which can now have its own weightmap).
Happy to find you well ! Take your time man !