What the heck am I supposed to do.

MalusMalus Posts: 370
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

I know when you are rigging a 3D model that you aren't supposed to have any bones hanging out of the model. What am I supposed to do when the model is got parts where they can't help, but hang out. I found that even if 1 bone is hanging out that the damn program will get errors that wont allow me to save, wont allow me to exit, and wont allow me to go anywhere else except stay in the weight paint room and this happened quiet often (I have to exit via task manager most of the time). I had this happen to me within an hours time at least a couple dozen times. Before you move on to 8.5 programming maybe someone should have fixed some of these bugs. Another bug is most of the time I can't exit carrara. I click the exit button at the top right when I'm done, and the program sets there frozen until I go to the task manager or it crashes, and this happens almost every time I close carrara (I would say 90 percent of the time, and no I'm not exaggerating if anything I'm being nice about the percentage). The exit problem happens on any size scene, and doesn't matter how many objects are in the scene it could be a cylinder, and would still do it.



  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    See it is a skeleton model a low poly one, but still I have holes in him. There is no way around it.

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  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    Here comes the errors.

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  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    Having fun with the weight paint and now I'm always twitchy. I don't know when the errors are going to occur so much for weight painting peacefully. Its not just limited to weight painting I can rename something and it will do it sometimes.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    I just brought carrara back up was able to save once I weight painted and this happened when I went to weight paint again and save.

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  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    And again. It is a constant thing now

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited September 2012

    I finally slipped a save through.
    After that save I try to save again an another error while saving happened.

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  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited September 2012

    And again.
    And again.8:46
    Maybe I should start adding the time to this so you know the minutes apart.

    Again. 8:48 (rotated the directors camera)
    8:50 weight paint
    Weight painted just fine save. rotated directors camera save error again. at 8:51
    8:53 went to weight paint, but it was just fine the way it is, and I got out of weight paint mode, and saved error happened.

    I'm quitting for now.

    Post edited by Malus on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited December 1969

    must be another issue, as I rig stuff with bones "hanging out" all the time and fbx export it to use in iClone,
    I need a certain number of bones that make up a humanoid figure for retargeting in 3dxchange5 pro for iClone, and on headless, two legged, no armed models I just add extra bones with no weightpainted influence ( remove any), they are just there as dummy bones, so it can be done.
    which is why expect it is another issue
    are you still using the dodgy laptop that overheats?

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, but that doesn't matter other models that are solid with no bones hanging out are working fine. Plus this is my only computer for now, I haven't got room for any other computer except for a laptop.

  • edited December 1969

    I'm not sure how your model is structured, but if the skeleton bones are separate objects, then I'd suggest setting them up with that hierarchy, instead of using Carrara bones to animate the skeleton. Then you won't have to do any weight painting at all. The bone system is designed to animate soft bodies, not hard objects like skeletons and robots.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, but there is fingers involve (lol). I just don't want to have to set them all up. If I use bone rigging I can have it bend all the fingers with just a couple of bones.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited December 1969

    yes, with a figure like a skeleton or a robot, you can parent each bone to the matching part of an existing bvh rig for example without attaching (or an invisible Daz figure) just make sure the hotpoint is in the middle

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited December 1969

    you can also do attach skeleton seperately for each part
    I do this to add clothes.

  • edited December 1969

    Yeah, it might help there. But in that case you could set up just the hand with Carrara bones, and use the skeletal bones for everything else. Result: less weight painting.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    I'll try it later.

    What was you saying about clothes is there anyway to rig it up where it seems natural and also is there a way to rig the cloth up with bones after you done got through with rigging the model. Just wondering also is there a tutorial on cloth rigging. I know how to rig, but I was wondering if there is an in depth tutorial for cloth rigging.
    Also I can't remember, but can you put rotating constraints on stuff like you would rigging bones.
    I know this may be stupid, but I don't want to go through the trouble of setting something, but can there be a way to set bones to react to wind, or other outside sources.
    I know I can find out most of the stuff above on my own, but I was hoping ya'll can save me the frustration.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited December 1969

    well, you do not need to detach skeleton to attach more mesh!
    I conform hair and prop clothes and shoes to Daz figures this way and each mesh gets seperately weightpainted.
    you open each mesh seperately in the vertex room and if you select the hip or root bone and the object and click on detach skeleton it asks detach selected items so other stuff stays intact
    making seperate bodyparts works well this way though you can get some holes! (as I found rigging game meshes)

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited September 2012

    You got video game models too. All I got to say is holy crap that is a lot of work to rig them they are in to many pieces.
    Here is a game model I have been working on for a while retexturing and rigging.


    You may recognize him you may not, but he is a legend.

    Post edited by Malus on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited December 1969

    I don't actually play video games but if I have one, first thing I do is look at the models in it, mostly just to see how they are made!
    it gives me some ideas how I would model something.
    They rely a lot on textures.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited September 2012

    I set my constraints and now for some reason everytime I move the camera (directors camera or anything). The constraints go back to the way they where.
    I set them to there 0 positions, and then they pop back.

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    Post edited by Malus on
  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    This whole animation system is just screwy. I found out it's bones in general. Look at this pic no holes

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  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Man, I don't know what you're doing, but I've never had the trouble with a rig the way you do! I think instead of the super tight shots that you post, it might be helpful to see the rig, the influences on the mesh, etc.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    You mean weight paint or a wide view, because that is the bones themselves for now. Because I went and rigged it up with the ik chain thing which kind went very bad. I will have to start over from the beginning. The only time it will probably be done (trust me it will have errors) is this weekend. Got college which is a pain. For some reason with the ik chain( I don't remember the name for now but the thing where you parent one thing to another) it work well at first then the constraints went horribly wrong. At first they worked fine, but then when I moved them around enough the constraints started sticking where they where last moved to. Then sometimes the object did a spring back thing where when I moved it, it would spring back to another position. I also had it where one time the bones would change position as I moved the directors camera. At another point when I move the bones it would flip them instantly 180, or they would pop off to somewhere else.This was with the ik thing going. I also could not attach skeleton when there was one already attached. I removed an ik box, and all it's connections, but the object acted like it still had it connected.
    Sorry for any english errors.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited September 2012

    This is what the rig usually looks like.

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  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    The errors have begun.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    I didn't even get a chance to edit weight paint before I got a second error message.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    About a couple dozen errors now.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    Add another dozen to that stack (at least a dozen). It starting to feel like I'm being punched in the face with an invisible fist constantly as I walk through a blizzard.

  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    I just got a free program to monitor this is my normal heat on my computer.

    This is funny.

    Every computer I ever got had so far had the same temperature issue.

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  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited September 2012

    I think my internal fan is dead.
    That could explain a lot.
    0 rpms means dead right.
    This may be stupid but how many fans does a laptop have I hear one running so it isn't going 0rpms is it.
    I'm lost.
    Must be a bug in the program.

    Post edited by Malus on
  • MalusMalus Posts: 370
    edited December 1969

    How hard would it be for me a person that hasn't used this program, to be able to use and rigg bones to my model, it is called 3ds max.

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