How to duplicate an object?

it might be obvious but I can't figure out how to copy/paste an object.
For example, I create a cube primitive.
How to easily copy an paste it.
Of course I've tried CTRL-C, CTRL-V but nothing happens.
As far as I know there is no way to do this. I'm not sure why this is but I'm sure there is some technical aspect to the software that makes this hard to implement. Does seem rather strange considering just about every other program in the history of computer software has the function. Actually I think "strange" is a massive understatment, but it just seems to be taken for granted that Studio doesn't have a copy/past function. What you can do is save a scene and then go to "File" > "Merge" to load the same scene as many times as you like.
jimzombie is correct with using Save as a Scene or Scene Subset and Merge. But if you want exactly the same object, size and textures then DS4.5 now has Instancing, Single and Multi. Found under the Create menu. You will have to place the instances where you want them manually.
Ah, I'd forgot about the feature and hadn't tried it out yet (thanks :) ). Not a bad feature - not perfect but not bad. I like how you can choose how many of the same instance to create (just tried it). I'm guessing in a lot of cases the merge will still be preferable.