Anyone else having a problem logging into 4.9 after launching app?

I keep getting an error, regardless of how carefully I spell my user name and password (which work fine for the website and for DIM login.
I put in trouble ticket, but the answer was to make sure I didn't have any case errors in my username or password... :)

Screenshot 2016-01-21 11.59.16.png
3840 x 2160 - 266K
I figured this out myself - apparently you have to go into your account, messages, license agreement (on daz site) and check the 'i agree' box. Then when you log in to DAZ, it allows the login to work. Support should have known that, the program should have spelled that out instead of just saying incorrect login.
Part of the new DAZ philosophy: here's a product, you figure it out. Like Iray. Eventually someone will come up with guidance for it, but by that time we will have rearranged things in Studio so that you can't find it.
Genius, McNeart!!! I had the same problem, and followed you solution. Worked beautifully!! THANKS!!!
i did but does not work for me??
And then comes a new version...HaHa
then DAZ like sell tutoriall too . or may be someone can sell "secret of daz studio 4.9" in daz shop too.
but most of things is usually,, it should be discribed as free offical document untill reelase the version.