Nvidia GTX 970 4GB

Would that be a decent card for Iray Renders?
I have no Idea so I thought I ask.
I can not afford another card but if you say this is not really all that good I shall not buy it.
OS : Intel Core i5-6600K processor. Windows 10 operating system. 2TB hard drive. 8GB memory
Yes, if you can't afford the 980ti, then a 970 is the next best.
thats my next goal also
but i wait til the next generation nvidia comes out this year
hope they will get cheaper then
if you can update your ram to 16 cause iray is a ram eater
Oh that is great news :)
I hope my other specs are ok too.
Thank you for your quick reply. I have to wait a bit longer with the RAM update once I got my card, but I think it will be fine.
Thank you , this was great and helped a lot.
I think for rendering, that just the RAM on the card is used to load the scene into memory correct? So adding system RAM is OK but won't help when it comes to rendering?
(please correct me if I have the wrong impression.)
I recently upgraded my 2gb 660 for a 4gb 960. To be honest, not much improvement. I was expecting a bit more speed, and being able to render a lot more. On the 660 I was only able to fit one g3 female with clothes and hair, any more than that, I was booted to CPU render. Now I can fit two of them, and sometimes a piece of furnature, sometimes not. If I try to render wider than 1000 I am booted to cpu. I wish I had more at the time to upgrade to one of the heavy hitters, but not rich, had a budget for the upgrade :D
I just doubled my ram from 8gb to 16gb, no difference in rendering, however moving around a loaded scene and posing figures is a lot more responsive.
I am very happy for you that this makes a difference to your workflow. Nothing wrong with having a budget, most of us have these days:)
I got the GTX 970 card! Works very well, best money I spent in years.
This is good to hear.
what sorts of scenes to you render normally? I typically only have a gen2 male and a few bits of clothing with an environment.
i have a GTX 970 and want to buy an RTX 2060 as you have already done this i would like to know if there is much of an improvement in render speeds