Game of Thrones Clothing Suggestions

Looking for products, ideally for Genesis but G2 or G3 might work, to clothe characters in a Game of Thrones manner. Main ones I'm looking for would be for Arya Stark, Kaleesi, Sansa Stark, Katlyn Stark and Queen Cersi. Any suggestions?
Dragon Lady outfit by SAV will help with Khaleesi/Daenerys: It's for V4 so you'll need to use autofit.
I can't think of others off the top of my head.
That's right on the money! Any ideas for Arya?
V4 (autofit):
Kitbashing multiple sets would probably be the way to go with her outfits, and it may also require changing textures/shaders.
I must have watched the wrong episodes - they had clothing? ;)
Yup, you may have, then.
From the main cast, only E. Clarke ran around in "empress' new clothes"...
And as it seems only up to Season 3. 
There's IMO not much of a need for an appropriate wardrobe, sooner or later, this will be everyone's anyways, judging by how Mr. Martin treats his protagonists...
Q: Why can't George R. R. Martin use Twitter?
A: Because he killed all 140 characters.
He could have done everything a lot easier, though: a 30 mile rock asteroid crashes on Westeros... could fit in a single book if you stretch the descriptions!
Fantasy ranger looks good! Thanks!