Where to go?



  • ElorElor Posts: 2,012
    edited August 2024

    It's the link to the picture, not the link to the gallery.

    To get it, you'll have to right click on the picture (either directly on the gallery page or when it's made bigger when you cliked on it) and in the menu that should appear, you can get the link to the picture by clicking on Copy Image Link (who knew it was that simple to change Firefox UI's language):

    Another, less direct way, is to open the image in a new tab, then copy the link from that new tab:

    The link should start with 'gcdn' instead of 'www', as shown by the link to your picture: https://gcdn.daz3d.com/gallery/image/1346125/1722898471/main.png

    And then, you insert the image, setting the width to 800 and voila:

    695 x 373 - 45K
    551 x 352 - 36K
    Post edited by Elor on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    10 likes is superstar status in DAZ Gallery scheme of things. I only post in the gallery if I do something I like, or if I enter one of the DAZ forum contests. Also, the DAZ Gallery is way too slow.

    You don't do DAZ as an amateur expecting FB likes or such, quite the opposite in fact. If you want more likes, hang out in art forums where gamers hang out and make renders they are liking on that platform.

    I like your renders though.

  • @Felis Thank you so much!

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