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dim is dead at the moment
downloading manually goes quick
Is it just me or are all renders now way too slow after 4.9 beta went official ? Iray is ridiculous slow!! Anyone , help please, what is going on? I changed nothing.....only Daz 4.9 64 bit was installed through DIM.....
I really do not like this , it is not a beta version anymore so it has to be an overall improvement...not just a change.....
My goodness how many clicks to find items with the new connected smart content thingy - and it doesn't seem overly smart - it's a man only show me man stuff! grrr
And I'm certainly missing a fare chunk of meta data with the connecty version, seems I lost around a 1000 products, they're definatley in my product history? lol
oh how joyous - blaaah
My 4.9 64bit install seems stuck on "installing content management service" -how long should it take?
Please report it, and also state your OS, firewall, etc.
The FAQ page is actually wrong (it was written for the first public beta, most of it is correct but there is some quesitons that still need to be updated). You can be logged in simultaneously to multiple computers but there is a limit. Its somewhere between 1 and 10, I can't recall exactly what the number is though (would have to dig through the relevant sections of server code which, those servers are under some pretty heavy load at the moment so don't want to mess around there right now).
I'm installing new releases via Connect, and older products as and when I need\want them.
That's interesting. I'd be curious what that number is, since, at present, my beast computer is what I use for rendering and I'd like to be able to use my other computer to build scenes while it works, yeah? If the number is greater than 1, all good (although I may never encounter any real issues with this since, until and unless the DRM content becomes entirely optional, I really have no use for 4.9.) something going on with the DIM at the moment? It's completely unresponsive, not downloading anything at all. Would it be connected to the new 4.9 etc?
At a guess, DAZ's servers are a bit overloaded by the 4.9 update.
Still? I would have thought it would have died down by now.
Can't download via DIM, and downloading via the product library onsite is SUPER SLOW. Getting about 20kbs at the moment. :sigh:
Be wary of support people and answers to troubleshooting incidents with the phrase"you are a unique situation"
Same phrase was used two separate times by two separate individuals.
Might be reading off a card, like in India
You are only allowed to be LOGGED IN on a limited number of machines, you can both render and use content without being logged in. You only need to be logged in to install or update content with Daz Connect, not to use it once it's been installed.
I sincerely hope you are correct; however, the way I read what they wrote was that you could not use any of the Smart-Connect content unless you were logged in when you loaded it. You might be able to work with it once it's in a scene, but you could not then transfer that scene unless you were also logged in on the other computer. I may be misreading this- I sincerely hope I am- but until DAZ3D clarifies it for certain, I am going to assume that is the case.
No, it is stated clearly in the FAQ, you do not need to be logged in to use the content once you've installed it:
Ah. Thank you for the clarification- so the caveat that you have to be logged in to use Smart-Connect exclusive material does not automatically exclude me from using it; it simply requires me to load it to both machines. That's considerably more reasonable than what I was reading. I will admit that I'm still not in love with DRM- I probably never will be, since I lived through the blow-ups with the MPAA and the RIAA- but if the artists are behind it and it is actually protecting them (and not merely lining some fat cat's pockets), then I really can't complain.
EDIT: Actually, I lie; I can still complain because the fact that material is provisionally still usable does not change the fact that they have two versions of their FAQ available and no one has clarified which one is accurate. Further, assuming what you've stated is true, the one that is most easily available- and therefore, most likely to be used by customers when deciding whether or not to switch platforms- is the one that is least clear and most likely to mislead customers. That is unacceptable.
Wow! this is the most negative thread I've ever seen here concerning a new version of DAZ Studio! It has me completely worried concerning whether I should go for it or not. If I go for it and it does not work satisfactorily, returning to 4.8 will be difficult at best, as all new downloads of DAZ Studio will be of the version 4.9! I would do a backup of my 4.8, if I could get a good tutorial on how to do that, and have it possible to reinstall if I should want to do so, but I tried with an earlier version, 4.1 I think and it was not being allowed, even though I still have the old installer! As I understand, all versions of 4.x are supposed to use the same activation code I have, which is the very one that 4.1 was installed and validated with. So going back to earlier versions might not work even though you do a proper backup job. Maybe the code become invalid for all earlier versions one it is used for the latest version you install? Yes that is a question, and I do wish to know the answer to it and to the other questions concerning making a backup. If I cannot get good instructions that work for backing up DS 4.8, I will just let DS 4.9 sit in my DIM until such time as I am confident that it is going to benefit me, and not hinder my workflow! Also I want to be sure I will be able to use all the content I have from 3rd party sources like I have been doing for years. I do not wish to lose the ability to do so, because quite frankly, a lot of it is as good or better than comparable products sold in the DAZ 3D store! If this offends any content creators reading this, my apologies, as it is not intended that way. All I am doing is putting forth something we all know to be true in many cases. To prevent the use of 3rd party content would set me back a long way, and would be a definite deal breaker for me. I would no longer deal with the DAZ 3D store, or upgrade anything from DAZ 3D. I would continue to use what I have already, and buy from 3rd party content creators exclusively.
You can contnue to use 3rd party content, as well as Daz content you installed with DIM or manually.
Thanks. Will do!
Request #210048
DS Smart Content sort by Product ID and Release Date do not work correctly. I have attached screenshots showing the problems.
In the case of Product ID Lowest First, it put a product ID 14812 first. That is crazy. I have products with 4 digit numbers.
In the case of Release Date Oldest First, the database has incorrect release dates. It says Fit Control for Genesis 3 Females was released in 1969! Without good data, the sorting is worthless.
Dear Daz, pretty please can you change the icon of Daz Studio to match your new logo?
Your old icon - green on black is almost identical to the logo of some other software I use and your new colourful logo is so much prettier.
Oh and if you're granting wishes, could you work on time-travel? Because now Daz has features that I wanted years ago and if you could time-travel then by now all my content would've been smart content and you could go tell my younger self to download and install Daz supported files instead of ... well time-travel would be awesome!
Thank you.
my question is does 4.9 work offline.cause my machine with daz on it is not connected to the internet it's a work station and i just use it for art stuff no fact it doesn't even have a network card in it
If you know how to make *.ico files you can create an icon out of the logo and change it yourself. Right click on the *.exe > properties > change icon > browse for the *.ico and select the icon.
Just saw this on Daz's FB:
"Wow! We are getting SUCH positive feedback about the new Daz Studio 4.9! People are so EXCITED about the new features in this version. What is your favorite new feature of Daz Studio 4.9?"
Either they're not reading this thread or they're being sarcastic!
Thank you! I don't know why I didn't think of that. I made one, it's a bit small as I could only grab a small logo off their website - but I also noticed Daz had different .ico options in their folder.
Don't forget to share. :)
The other icon options in the current *.exe are the icons for the different file types in the library runtimes.
LOL! I know, right?!
I've been reading these highly rigid critiques of 4.9 too as I debate over whether or not I decide to install it on my gateway machine...
And from what I've read thus far... um, I'm thinking 'No!'
Too many different and horrible issues from what I can tell. I only render to an offline Workstation Processor Power Horse that never connects to the 'net,' meanwhile my gateway to the net, which uses DIM - NEVER installs the DAZ content unto itself, due to it being an outdated AMD Sempron processor - which is FAR TOO slow for DAZ studio and is only my portal that I use to purchase and download the content.
they told you to reset your database ? really
thats poor mr and mrs daz! really