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What is the full path to the file, and can you post your Content Directory Manager?
You can add a wildcard - c:*, or ca:*, or as many initial letters followed by :* as are needed to narrow it down.
Is it possible to rename the offline files to what the product is or will it break it and make it not work, I've downloaded the freebies and detective bundle and I don't know which files are for what since they are a bunch of numbers
This isn't really a complaint or an issue, more of a curiousity question.
Let's say a product has a V4 and Genesis 2 version - both as parts of the same product - and I only want the Genesis 2 version. Is there a way for Daz Connect to handle that, or do I have to have both installed? What if it's one of the products where there is a complete V4 download and a complete Genesis download - where each download had all the textures and everything?
Just wanted to say, WOW!!! Love the new features and inovating approach that have been added into DS Pro 4.9. I like the idea that Daz3D now is staying right there with me as I create and making sure that the tools, help desk and downloads are quick and easy to access.
Thanks Daz3d Team, Mike Rogers
Richard,, what you means is, if the product is "Cateye suit,", then user can serch the product, input c* in serch window of smart content?
it can not work so.. eg I input c* for serching product with all in smart content.
but it only show 32 products.
in content library>product >C> there are many products which can not be shown in smart content, with C* serching.
and I can not see "Cateye suit" as serched products in smart content , at all.
next I input ca, or ca* it not work, next i imput cat, it not work. cate not work too.
if I imput "catey" the product finally to be shown.
but these behavor is simply cause user miss serching. we feel, when input c , it will show
at least all product, which name start "C".
or I may miss something? please teach me way how to serch product with
wild card of product name, in "smart" content.
I feel,, this simple serching tool name become bad joke in my mind nowdays.
And maybe DAZ or some vendor understand well, how to add keyword to show them in smart content with expected keywords.
then these product should be shown easy. but other vendor not be shown as expected.
Usually if I set product name as "smart item", and when user input s , sm, sma, smart, smarti in serching window with product, I expect it should be shown, without adding many keywords etc.. or simply add just one keyword as same as product name. but it not work so with Smart content or daz customized postgre.
I'm using the conect feature and there are two things that I see. The first is that under products>available i'm seeing products I know for a fact have been instaled for ages. The second is it also shows a whole slew of really old items (vicky 2, mill dragon 1 & 2, etc.) that with the DIM we had the option of hiding. Are there plans to add that function to the connect version of downloads? I'd REALLY like to not have to slog through stuff that I know I won't be using because i've got newer / better versions.
My only other feedback is theres quite a bit of time difference between purchasing items and them becoming availble to install via connect, where as with the DIM its almost instantly available.
Mike I just wanted to point out that I really like yer Bubble longe picture :)
I lIke this version of DS, but Windows crashes frequently with models that use "hair" > like Wolf 2.0 by AM. So be warned :)
Submited a bug already.
I got a note back saying they had forwarded my particular issue (affecting others too from my reading) to the dev team and they responded with:
"Local User" as a Product is correct. All custom created user data should be in that product. That means it is working correctly.
This protects it from being overwritten if a products smart content is updated."
My responce back is:
I don't want my own created User data stored in the system like that. Makes no sense. Are you telling me then that unless it's a native product produced in house all other made meta data gets shoved into some unattractive umbrella that I have to click a few times to get to my actual stuff? Keep in mind, there ARE native DAZ products under there too. If this is considered an improvement I'm afraid I have to disagree!
I don't mean to come across as a jerk or anything but who's bright idea was to group all home spun metadata like that? I want my metadata right there categorized in the Smart Content line up along with all other metadata not stored under that hideous category icon that I have to click down 2 or three times to actually get to my categories. Sorry, not liking that!
And ,more worse,, even though User make new product from some of these files (which you saved before,and catgorize,or add compatibility etc,,, grouped as Local User product)
these files are still treated as one of "Local User" product .I can not delete these assets assignment from the Local User Product.
then Mr DAZ or Mrs DAZ may say not see "Local User" product, you do not need use it as product.
But when I serch items in smartcontent >files with category,,(with context check or not) it must show me same duplicate items.
one is icon of "Local User", the other is icon of "MY product"
Is there way to save them from Chaos Local User product group ? without all save again in ds 4.9? or it can not work too?
Or if I delete this "product" what will happen^^; I think,, when I try to edit the choas product by Content DB editor,
it seems editable, then I delete these duplicate assets one by one (which I have assigned for my product)
but not work for me,, (then it auto-export and overwrite dsx too,, with option, but my modify not reflect)
now again the question as not answered
what do i do with local user stuff and what is it for ?
why is it there ?
what does it tell me ?
You should be able to just download the required version.
Do not rename anything, just to be on the safe side.
how do i refresh metadata in smart content when online without disconnecting ?
i have a lot of icons waiting for updates
nothing happens
edit says
you have to install updates manually after updating
Right-click All on Smart Content and hit Refresh.
What do you do with those items in "Lost & Found"?
installing ?
thx DJ
that did the trick
They are items already installed.
Sorry, I've reverted to 4.8
But for info the path to the item is: E:\Documents\Daz 3D All Libraries\Daz 3D Library\People\Genesis 3 Female\Characters\Carmilla\Materials
No idea on the Content Directory Manager and it wont exist now.
Did you change it from what you had in 4.8?
No all I did was upgrade to 4.9. and as said before, I never logged in to Connect.
My content has been on E drive for, hmm, long time.
Okay, though I was under the impression that Daz Connect installed by product - that is, each full product was one installer.
I may test this since I have one such product that isn't categorizing correctly, so I was planning on reinstalling it with Daz Connect anyway.
Edit - Daz Connect appears to have installed only the Genesis version (which is fine for me) which I guess makes sense, since the V4 version goes in a Poser runtime.
Good to know.
Edit 2 - Nope. Just realized that some of those Icons are for PZ2's (which you can't see in Smart Content, because it doesn't show you what the file type is) and found the V44 Shaping poses as well. So yeah, even though I just wanted the Genesis version, I got both, with no option to not install the V4 version.
At least it's only one set of textures.
i am not in the mood for writing a ticket now for every product thats has flawed metadata
so i wait and install everything not working with connect by dim
but thats not what i would call a clean system
Don't forget that, when using Connect, to see all your content, so you can download it, to uncheck the box at the bottom. For my account DIM has 3000 more downloads than Connect does, though most of those are products that are EXP required files, Plug-ins (Or install like plug-ins) Adobe Photoshop Brushes, Carrara files, PoserCF files, etc.
Two things, Note this screen shot is from the computer that is not using Daz Connect (I have to test both ways.
) and it is not logged in.
(It was quicker to do this on this computer. LOL )
I mistake to the plase where I reply.
For those that asked about using the file system to organize their content.
Mr. Spooky, as I mentioned in the immediate future will not be installing 4.9
But thinking ahead and very interested.
In the previous mentioned referenced article about content it states that DAZ does best with 10.
Before I ask the question, I currently have linked to DAZ approximately 23 Runtimes that are Poser
and five My Library Runtime with Daz.. Enormous sizes ( 30 to 40 gb apiece)
Keeping that in mind, what problems would I be encountering with DAZ 4.9?
Can truly say that with 4.8 have no problem with the various libraries
Should mention that main reason I keep Poser Pro 2012 installed is because of the way it "searches"
Also, strangely enough, I know where most of the stuff is and what it is, without "management"
Thank you for your time and, incidentally, thank you for the help you are giving.