How to adjust weight map on genesis 3

I did a few morphs in zbrush, brought them back to studio, all is good except when the shoulder bends, it distorts the cheast area, i think it's becuase of the weight map. From what I was able to learn from google is that i should be adjusting the bulge area, I've selected the shoulder, but I don't see the parameters for buldge, not sure what i'm doing wrong..

Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 8.31.14 AM.jpg
995 x 578 - 74K
Gen3 ist general weight mapped - bulge maps are triax only. Is it a morph for the shoulder or chest? Did you reverse from deformation, when you imported the morph? Maybe it sort of collides with one of the jcms.
Weight maps can't be adjusted by a morph, if you are going to editt hem you will have to keep the result as a separate figure. What you could do is create a correction morph slaved to the shoulder bend and attenuated by your morph (so it kicked in only when both were set).
it’s a morph for the breast, when in t-pose the morph works, but when i bend the shoulder the breast distorts. You are correct, I think it’s a JCM that needs to be adjusted, looked for video’s on how to adjust this, but found nothing relevant on youtube.
If the morph is making a dramatic diference you may need to select Adjust Rigging to Shape. You can use ERC Freeze to link the changes in the rigging to the morph.
If you do need a correction morph and you are lucky it can be done with a single correction morph when the shoulder is down. if that is so, create the morph from the posed and morphed mesh, load it through Morph Loader Pro with Reverse Deformations on, you will probably want to set the limits on the correction to 0, 1 so that you don't have to worry what happens when the arm is raised, set both morphs and the bend to their limits (1 for the main morph, 1 for the correction,and the bend value you used), and then go on to create the ERC.
To use ERC Freeze right-click in the parameters pane and set Edit Mode on (if it isn't), right-click on your main morph (which will be the controller) and select ERC Freeze. If you are using a correction morph under Attenuate select the joint bend. Make sure that the things that should be set by the morph (joint centres or the correction morph) are listed in the lower half of the dialogue, and that nothing else is selected. Click Accept and test the result.
Will try it out and let you know.