Rigging a dress for Gen3 (general or triax)

Hi all,
one - maybe naiv/stupid - question: Does anything speaks against rigging a dress in triax for Gen3?
I really don't like the limits of general rigging. Especially for long, wide dresses. It's so limited *sigh*
Assuming the dress fits perfectly and I am satisfied with the movement, could I run into any problems I might not consider, if I rig it the "triax way"?
Hi all,
one - maybe naiv/stupid - question: Does anything speaks against rigging a dress in triax for Gen3?
I really don't like the limits of general rigging. Especially for long, wide dresses. It's so limited *sigh*
Assuming the dress fits perfectly and I am satisfied with the movement, could I run into any problems I might not consider?
Merged threads.
What limits are you looking at?
When one uses general weight maps, the maps for different bones can't overlap - for example: left dress map partially elminates the map for front dress map.
When I use traix/dual quaternion I can have lots of ghost bones for skirt movement (like in good old legacy rigging ;-)
Edit: Attached an image of the dress, I am working on.
You should be able to have ghost bones with Genral Weight mapping - with both, when Auto Normalisation is on, the weights of all the rotations (for a particular axis using TriAx) on a particular vertex must add up to 1 - you can turn normalisation off, but shouldn't do so until you have the basic rigging correct.
Thanks for your help but hm ... I feel more comfortable with triax. I am chewing my theeth out on this rigging thing for about a year now. Tried Triax, tried General, know everything about legacy, learned a lot.
General weight rigging seems to do too many weird things (like cloth exploding) - all in all it feels like working with one arm tied on my back or trying to paint without black (okay, that invented the impresionism ;-)
What do you think? Could I leave my dress as a triax if I want to sell it as a dress for Genesis 3 or should I better forget about that completely?
You can always try it and see - it should be possible to switch in the Tool Settings pane with the Node Weight painting tool selected. However, I don't think this would be supported or accepted in a store item (though that's not an official statemnt).
That's an idea I already had - rigging it triax, then converting to general (without Auto Normalisation, hoping the weights won't erase ech other). That ended with "exploding" areas or no binding of mesh to the bone.
Could it be a bug, that Studio does not convert correctly?
No, I was suggesting converting from genral to TriAx - the difference is that General uses only one map per joint, TriAx uses several (up to threee controlling rotation, one for scale, and the bulges). So use the Transfer Utility to get the basics, then switch to TriAx, make sure it still works (I can think of possible stumbling blocks) and if it does try adding your handles with unique maps.
That's what I did and it works great - let me explain how I was rigging the dress in the picture above: I used the transfer Untility, then switched the dress to TriAx mode, added all the handles, painted the weight maps until I was satified. Then I used the transfer tool again (with a template for the upper body I prepared) with only "weight maps" and "merge hierchies" selected to keep the movement bones.
After that, the dress fits Genesis 3 female perfectly and my only concern is, that I might fail to see something or if it is okay to offer what I produced: A TriAx dress for Genesis 3 Female
My goal is to present a dress with floating movement (not only movement morphs ecept wind, sitting or kneel) in any direction one could wish. I added Parameter sliders (ERC Freeze) for every bone movement, Adjustment morphs and so on.
Well, I can't say with any confidence what - if anything - might go wrong but if it seems to pose OK that sounds hopeful.
:-) Well, then I "puzzle" on and maybe folks will have a fine freebee in near future. (About selling I will think laaaater)
Hi Richard,
I made an interesting discovery: When I loaded the Dark Storm outfit, that comes with the starter essential, I saw that Pants, Boots and Arm Armor are TriAx/Dual Quaterion. So it seems to be okay to rig clothes that way.
Another possibility, that came to my mind, is to use Blended TriAx/General (General for the upper dress, TriAx for the lower), but the blend weights map does not save - it disappears when I reload the dress.
Maybe some one knows how to use this function properly?