Toy Army Men models?
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Toy Army Men models?

in The Commons
I got really into a game recently called Attack on Toys and wanted to make some fan art as a way of practicing Daz3d but I can't seem to find any models in the store does anyone know if there are any models and they are in a bundle or something under a hard to find name or is there no models? I have found models of actual army men but haven't been able to find anything based on the actual toys themselves.
I'm wondering if it's possible to kitbash your own with a little help from Blender or Hexagon (for the flat, amorphous plastic base).
Other products that might help:
Army Uniform (comes with a gun)
Metal Detecting Props (for the Minesweeper Guy)
Modern Weapons 3 (for the Machine Gun Guy)
WWII Radios (for the Radio Guy)
Foxhole Props (a bit of a stretch but you might be able to outfit the Bazooka Guy with this Panzerfaust)
FG Military Props (you can probably outfit the Commander Guy with these props)
Avtomat Kalashnikova over at Rendo is an assault rifle with a bayonet attachment (for the Bayonet Guy)
WW2 US Mortar 3D over at Rendo is pretty ancient (2011), but it would work for the Mortar Guy
From there, the only hard part would be matching the traditional "Army Men" poses. Apply a basic Iray "smooth plastic" shadrer and a suitable green color to every single surface and you'd be all set!
Edit 1: ShareCG used to have a "Poser Plastic Soldier" set, but it looks like it is no longer available.
Edit 2: It looks like Turbosquid has a few for sale in OBJ format- search for "Green Army Men."
Daz has a toy soldier product, let me see if I can find it.
Ok I couldn't find the Daz one but I did find a set at Renderosity Domino Forts and Toy Soldiers by tjohn
This is the DAZ one: but it is Revolutionary war soldiers.
I couldn't find the one you mentioned on Renderosity.
Did you mean this? It's just a Bryce render. You'd have to ask him where he got the soldiers for it.
You could do what I did for this render, and just dress a figure in clothing like Blando linked, create a simple base for it, then run the whole thing through Mesh to Volume to convert it into a volume and then back into mesh, slap a plastic shader on it, and you're done.
I used LoRenzo with Cybertenko's Tommy Aitken uniform.
...yeah the only ones I can find are on such sites as Tubosquid and CG Trader and for a decent set hey are not cheap (probably could buy the real ones for less).
There was a product wa-ay back called Army Men Action [Documentation Center], long gone, but it only posed M3 with various contemporary props and outfits, plus some new bases to stand them on, and gave them a new coat of paint. Most of those props and outfits are still available.