Need to backup "Script" menu *Solved*

I had to wipe my computer again and reinstall everything, and somehow I messed up and ended up with duplicates of a bunch of stuff. So I need to delete everything in my library and reinstall (not a big deal, I use DIM). But I've already set a bunch of my favorites up in the "Scripts" menu, and I don't want to have to do that all over again. Does anyone know the exact name of the folder(s) that contain that info? The Scripts menu is soooooo tedious to get the way I want it!
Also, it would be cool if I could save my layout as well, with all my windows docked the way I want them. But that isn't nearly as important.
Please explain things as if I am a not-particularly intellegent alien that knows nothing about earth technology, because I am hopeless with figuring this stuff out XD
Edit: I should have mentioned that I use a Mac, apparently that makes a big difference!
%appdata%/daz 3d/studio4/customactions.dsx
for the general release.
Hmmm, I don't see anything like that... I searched my entire computer. I'm using a Mac, but I didn't think it would be THAT different, I was apparently wrong! I don't even see anything that is a customactions.dsx, which is really weird. Thank you though!
Right, for mac I think you need the plist folder in your profile instead of %appdata%
AHA! Apparently on a Mac, sometimes root files are hidden by default. I finally found the files, to quote a movie, "it can only be found by someone who already knows where it is". So now that I've saved those files, I'm going to go ahead and delete and reinstall, here's hoping it all works right then!
Thank you so much for your help!!!
If other people are looking for it on their Mac, it's in "/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/" either in Studio4 or Studio4 Public Build
The Library folder is hidden by default (most people don't really need to touch any of the files and folders stored inside their Library folder) and the easiest way to get there is:
As long as you are pressing the ALT key, "Library" should now be visible on this menu and clicking on it will either open a Finder window inside the Library folder (if none is open) or open the Library Folder is the currently active Finder window.
I created an alias for "/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/" in the DAZ3D folder located in My Documents, to get an easy access to these two folders.
An element to keep in mind: the links to the elements launched through the Script menu are absolute, not relative so moving the Library from one drive to another will result in broken absolute links. I suppose it's possible to edit them in a text editor but never did it.