? about uvmaps

There is only ONE uvmap on this dress. It has several Shading Domains/materials.
I applied a texture set of images to make the entire dress to be "lace".
I saved out a materials preset with all checked.
Sometime later, I load the dress, I apply the mat and ???? ONE of the Surface Domains/materials LOST its uvmap??!!! Solid colours only possible, no images could be applied.
If I reapplied the "basic shader", that would get back the uvmap on the area ... but this mat file [which I've deleted from the computer] would again make the uvmap "poof".
Does anybody know why this would happen?
As it has never happened before with anything I've worked with, I do not think it is a bug but more likely something wrong with the mesh [I made it so I can say that] but what? So I don't think it matters however this did happen in 4.6.
What shader does the new mat file used?
What the tiling for that shader set to?
The new mat file was not of a shader [save the basic whatever models normally load with]. Was supposed to simply add some colour and/or a texture image for use with the regular 3Delight render engine. Tiling, hmm ... forgot to check that but there shouldn't have been any 0 tiling. The print used prior in question was tiled to about 5 or so. The mat file loaded the rest of the dress fine, with that front bodice panel "transparent/not there" ... opacity channels were fine, I honestly could not find any reason as to why it disappeared. I did manage to get a colour showing again but not texture. Only by reapplying the basic shader so something went goofy with it.