Token Usage info at Checkout ?

in The Commons
May I suggest that at the checkout you do put up an info how many tokens this order uses?
The Checkout page, where "Payment Method" is selected, would be good.
I just wasted - again - 8 tokens on a purchase of around $2, which means I will postpone my next order for a day or week.
I was playing around with a larger order, decided to postpone this a day and just get one article while its on sale, and ...
Totally my mistake, I know. But frankly said, its not just annoying for me, this lack of information costs you business.
The token selection section is already preset on the checkout page, just above the total and the "place order" button.
Yes, but when do you actually look at this window this box is ALWAYS online, and the only difference at this stage is "Applied" or "Apply to cart" in the green box. Sometimes I just fail to check that.
A line between Checkout and Payment method on the LEFT with "You use 8 Tokens in this order" would cost you nothing (well, perhaps 10 min of programming time) and would prevent such annoying mistakes.
Happened three times to me now, which means that I did not use 8 tokens to buy the next day.
Today it probably means around $80 you do not get, as I will not buy the new bundle without. And I just know it will happen to me again.
It already shows what can be applied in large type and ever makes it bright color so a person sees it easily. People complained when it was auto applying so they made it so you have to enable it yourself.
>It already shows what can be applied in large type
Indeed it says: "Use 8 tokens to...."
Which somehow implies that you can use them, not that they are already used. Naturally that is in the green box beyond, which switches from "Apply to cart" to "Applied" when you used them. That wording is the only notable DIFFERENCE. Which is what people notice. Not large fonts, but DIFFERENCES from the usual. The checkout page with tokes does not differ from that without except for that small word on the right side - which you could notice if you look for it, but if you actively look for it there is no need to remind you anyway.
I put some $100 worth of stuff out of my cart to buy just one article, then shuffled the stuff back after the new sale goes on and wondered why the heck everything costs 60% more - well, just 1 token left. 8 used to bring an article down from ~2.20 to 1.60. Fine. Perhaps I am the only idiot, or the only one that admits to bungle this more then once.
If you do not deem such a notification in a position that you actually read a sensible addition, then don't add it. And live with people that get annoyed when they waste their tokens - and then go and spend their money elsewhere. Neither the $100 nor the new bundles gets bought now. Breaking the chain of "you have 8 tokens left, use them!" is certainly good for my budget - or rather other shops.
Technically this would be three lines of code in PHP (or whatever you use) to include it. It could be a pretty low hanging fruit to make the shop better, if the right person gets the job. Obviously this forum is not the way to reach it. Which is my last comment on this issue.
What they really need is to add an "unapply" button or add a script? that cancels the applied buttons effect if the carts cost doesn't go down. I lost about seven tokens yesterday when I realized the tokens, when applied didn't reduce the cart price. Even cleaned out my cart, closed my browser, ran my CCleaner, then did it all again only to see my tokens were still applied.
If you use the + and - arrows to get your tokens number down to 0, you can then click "remove tokens" to remove them.
Thank you joanna! I didn't know that.