Daz website running slow?

Is anyone else experiencing extreme slowload times on the store page? I've been experiencing this for a few weeks now I believe, maybe a week and a half. It may be something on my end or not but I'm not experiencing this anywhere else, my speeds seem to appear ok.
Post edited by HorusRa on
I don't know the reason why but have been noticing that a number of the promo pictures will not load the larger editions of themselves.
..or maybe Burt the Server Hamster needs more Red Bull™.
I noticed it yesterday. I was in my Product Library to pull images for thumbnails and other details and it took quite a long time for the gallery pages to load, and then to open the promo page, very aggravating. But checking it now, it seems fast and prompt.
At times the site is pretty slow, but that is usually during the evening in europe (9AM-5PM Daztime)
Between 9PM and midnight Daztime, the site is usually pretty good and I get the fastest download speeds.
It's been slow for years. Particularly the gallery.