How to add camera angles to animation. Need help

I'm just getting started with animation. So forgive me if this is "a simple thing."
I created an animation, and it seems to be OK.. But I want to add a panning camera to the animation.
I look at the timeline, and I don't see the camera as something that I can create keys for.
Is there a way to add it? How can I lock in camera angles into keys so the animation can have appropriate pans and zooms.
Thanks in advance.
Do you have an actual camera object in the scene? The default viewport camera isn't animatable, but if you add a camera, you should have no problem animating that.
Yes, there is a camera object in the scene.
Does the camera show up in the timeline?
Is the camera the current view? The button at top-right of the Viewport (with the floating controls, which is the default).
Check this thread as well as the sample files enclosed -
The camera does NOT show up in the timeline.
The camera is visible in the view port. (If you click on the camera, and look under its parameters, there's an on/off switch that also says "visible in viewport")
This is my second animation, somehow the first one worked, but this one has not.
Once, I saw the camera show up in the timeline (on my 1st project) but I don't know how it got there. I've been right-clicking on everything I can think of hoping to find a "add to timeline" option. But no luck.
I think I may have figured it out...
I deleted my camera from my scene.... Then created a new camera. And the new camera showd up in both the scene and the time line.
I selected the camera in my view port (so I was seeing through the camera). and moved through the scene. As I did keys were created. So I *think* I have it.. Only 9+ hours of rendering will tell for sure.
Seriously? You do realise that a test-render to sort the camera animation does not require a fully shaded and lighted scene, do you? You can do that with basic geometric shapes as stand-ins for the actual geometry and even use a lower resolution.
If you had your camera hidden in the scene tab, saved the scene, closd Daz and reopened it, the camera, or any object for that matter, will not show up in the timeline. You just have to unhide the object, delete the object, ctrl Z it to undo, and then it'll show up in the timeline.