Have sales support wait times increased?

So I decided to pop back into Daz+ after a year or so break, and bought myself some items to get some tokens, but was then unable to checkout the next purchase. I screenshotted the cart and sent it to sales support has I have once or twice before, and...
Well that was two weeks ago!
In my previous experience sales support times have always been 2-4 days, and they've always been extremely helpful and great to deal with. But this time there's been no communication, and obviously in that time my tokens have disappeared, and the window to return any items from my previous purchase (since I guess I didn't end up using the tokens from them) is narrowing by the day. The support ticket itself says to expect a wait time of 4-5 business days, but, well...
Quite a lot has changed in the store since I was last here! Has anyone else had experience with long sales support times recently? Or mayhaps I have just slipped through the cracks?
Nope. I have never ever been disappointed with support. I buy truckloads and truckloads and gigantic truckloads and I send in support tickets for all kinds of things. Cart errors. Download issues, template issues, pricing issues, token issues . . . and . . . I find them super-sonic fast. The trick is to state what you paid versus what you should have paid, or what sku is misbehaving, or what item is flawed. The trick is to scerenshoot everything, send them the screen shots with a clear explanation , the invoice number, sku niumber and you will have white glove service. If you do not include these things expect a much slower process because they are not psychic or clairvoyant.
I have been waiting exactly 20 days for my ticket now and still haven't gotten any response.
So I am guessing depending on what the request is and how it gets triaged, it might take a while.